Series Authors: Tom Kiesau, Dr. Sam Bhatia, Paul Griffiths This series explores the uncomfortable reality that this adaptation will likely span a longer period of time than the authors believe has been widely expected. Three leading organizations — Salesforce, Perficient, and The Chartis Group — have come together to share bright spots within the healthcare community that can point the way to […]
The Value of Data and 5 Things We’ve Learned From COVID-19
First of all, big kudos to first responders such as doctors, nurses, police, front-end-shop staff, and mental health workers for keeping your communities running during these troubling times. At the same time, my heart felt condolences for anyone who has lost a loved ones during this time. One of the things that the COVID-19 pandemic […]
Going Beyond Recovery: Virtual Event for Healthcare Providers on August 11
If you could turn back time, before COVID-19, what would you do differently? How would you ready your health system? Or what do you wish that you’d known or put into place? Come join us for an exclusive virtual event for healthcare providers, featuring top industry experts from Salesforce, Perficient and The Chartis Group, on […]
[Guide] Digital Health Jump Starts: Build Payor/Provider Resilience During COVID-19
COVID-19 appears certain to be a long-term challenge, with successive, overlapping waves of surge and retreat. Healthcare providers and payors remain immersed in the pandemic. Deaths and hospital admissions are well above normal levels, requiring emergency response measures to manage and care for thousands of patients. Many questions, nuanced by geographic and demographic considerations remain: […]
Why B2B Leaders Are Investing in PRM: Forrester Report
You know it’s critical to stay connected to your customers. And if you’re in B2B, it’s vital to strengthen relationships with your partners, too. But which tools and technologies are the best fit – and the best investment? Why Channel Software, Why Now Forrester interviewed Perficient for its recent report The Forrester Tech Tide: Channel […]
The Third Key Commitment of Revenue Resilience – We Need Hospitals to Be Digitally Engaged
Series Authors: Tom Kiesau, Dr. Sam Bhatia, Paul Griffiths This series explores the uncomfortable reality that this adaptation will likely span a longer period of time than the authors believe has been widely expected. Three leading organizations — Salesforce, Perficient, and The Chartis Group — have come together to share bright spots within the healthcare community that can point the way to […]
The Second Key Commitment of Revenue Resilience – Creating a Pluralistic Clinical Operating Model
Series Authors: Tom Kiesau, Dr. Sam Bhatia, Paul Griffiths This series explores the uncomfortable reality that this adaptation will likely span a longer period of time than the authors believe has been widely expected. Three leading organizations — Salesforce, Perficient, and The Chartis Group — have come together to share bright spots within the healthcare community that can point the way to […]
[Series] 6 Commitments of Revenue Resilience
Series Authors: Tom Kiesau, Dr. Sam Bhatia, Paul Griffiths This series explores the uncomfortable reality that this adaptation will likely span a longer period of time than the authors believe has been widely expected. Three leading organizations — Salesforce, Perficient, and The Chartis Group — have come together to share bright spots within the healthcare community that can point the way to […]
Accelerating Partner Management: How Manufacturers Can Navigate COVID-19 [Webinar]
Recovering, reopening and rebuilding will be a two-fold process: what now and what next. The pandemic has created a new normal for manufacturers, and the impact of digital communication will more be important than ever before. Join us at Tony Kratovil, RVP of Manufacturing at Salesforce, and Eric Dukart, National Sales Executive at Perficient, discuss […]
Getting Patients to Come Back: Salesforce Revenue Recovery for Healthcare Providers
From crisis to recovery, healthcare providers have been on the front lines for months, protecting the health, safety, and well-being of communities nationwide. But as restrictions are lifted and doors are reopened, there’s another big challenge on the horizon for many healthcare systems. The big question: when will patients come back – and how quickly? […]
Loan and funding conduits empower healthcare, communities
Health insurance providers are moving swiftly as part of the COVID-19 solution From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, health insurance providers have made decisive steps to help patients, support healthcare providers, and curb the spread of the virus. The need is significant, particularly as healthcare providers lose important revenue streams in order to prioritize […]
Salesforce Care for Manufacturing + Free 1-Week Jumpstart from Perficient for COVID-19 Relief
In response to COVID-19, manufacturers are battling increased and unpredictable demands to support workers on the front lines. Together with Salesforce, we’re here to help – ensuring you have the agility, information, and tools you need to rapidly pivot operations and reallocate resources. Salesforce Care for Manufacturing: What It’s All About This week Perficient rolled […]