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Partnering for success: Why Business Storytelling is a Data Superpower

Effective data leadership is crucial for organizational success. This post explores how data leaders can boost efficiency by over 20% through collaboration with business teams. Learn the importance of relationship-building, mastering storytelling techniques, and leveraging diverse skillsets to drive better business outcomes. Discover strategies for aligning data initiatives with business objectives and fostering a data-driven culture across your organization. Unlock the full potential of your data practices and achieve meaningful business growth through enhanced partnerships between data and business teams.

Man at computer

Best Practices for KPIs for Healthcare Marketers 

Following best practices for KPIs (key performance indicators) is an essential start for any marketing initiative, but it’s often an overlooked step. Let’s look and why KPIs are so important and some practical advice that can help you incorporate, and get value from, your KPIs.   What is a KPI?   KPIs and goals often get […]


The Quest for Spark Performance Optimization: A Data Engineer’s Journey

In the bustling city of Tech Ville, where data flows like rivers and companies thrive on insights, there lived a dedicated data engineer named Tara. With over five years of experience under her belt, Tara had navigated the vast ocean of data engineering, constantly learning, and evolving with the ever-changing tides.One crisp morning, Tara was […]

PIM Data Analytics

3 PIM Analytics Tools to Drive More Sales

Importance of Product Data in Driving Sales When you don’t have a storefront and a salesperson to do the talking, your product content has to be rich. So, your task is to reduce the uncertainty as much as possible. Remember, customers won’t always buy the better product; they prefer the product they better understand and […]


Flywheels and why it matters with Snowflake

Reflecting on Summit At the Snowflake Summit, a strong commitment to AI was emphasized. Both Snowflake and NVIDIA have made strides in building their AI capabilities. The rise of AI, particularly generative AI, has been a prominent topic at cloud tech conferences over the past year. As a former Snowflake employee and current customer, I’m […]

Shot Of Corridor In Working Data Center Full Of Rack Servers And Supercomputers With Cloud Storage Advantages Icon Visualization.

Leveraging Data Cloud for Medical Devices

From patient records to medical device telemetry, the volume and diversity of data generated for medical device companies can be staggering. However, harnessing this data to its full potential remains a significant challenge for many. Healthcare organizations, including medical device companies, grapple with dispersed data across various departments and technologies. This fragmentation impedes timely and […]

Businessman types on a laptop.

Three Principles for Writing Effective Analytics Documentation

Documentation is a crucial part of your analytics implementation. From your Solution Design Reference document to your internal wiki for all resources, making sure that you can write and edit your documentation is key to ensuring a cohesive and thorough understanding of your implementation. With effective documentation, you can: Prevent knowledge gaps among team members […]

Domo Certify

Azure SQL Server Performance Check Automation

On Operational projects that involves heavy data processing on a daily basis, there’s a need to monitor the DB performance. Over a period of time, the workload grows causing potential issues. While there are best practices to handle the processing by adopting DBA strategies (indexing, partitioning, collecting STATS, reorganizing tables/indexes, purging data, allocating bandwidth separately […]

Microsoft Fabric: NASDAQ stock data ingestion into Lakehouse via Notebook

Background Microsoft Fabric is emerging as one-stop solution to aspects revolving around the data. Before the introduction of Fabric, Power BI faced few limitations related to data ingestion, since Power Query offers limited ETL & data transformation functionality. Power Query M Language scripting lacks ease of development, compared to popular languages like Java / C# […]

A man looks at a laptop and two monitors while coding.

Showing Grit When Performing Manual QA

Many times, in my career when performing QA, I’ve dealt with many times where I’ve felt uncertain about my efforts. Through my work at Perficient—and with the help of my team—I’ve learned over time how to persist and show grit in testing to be able to ensure the highest quality of work delivered throughout a […]

Hands Typing On Laptop Computer

The Event-Driven Data Layer: Unifying Analytics and Development Teams

One common way of implementing tags through Adobe Launch is using a data layer, which is a JSON object (key/value pair) that is loaded onto the page from which attributes are passed through as the user navigates through the website or completes certain objectives. This can be extended further into using an Event-Driven Data Layer […]

Website Design. Developing Programming And Coding Technologies.

Maintaining Your Adobe Launch Implementation

Adobe Launch is a valuable tool to help you manage the tags placed across your website, including Facebook, Pinterest, and Bing pixels as well as Adobe Analytics and Target depending on your property. Many of these tags are either deployed via custom code or via one of the many extensions within Launch’s extension to help […]

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