Feature of Snowflake: Zero-Copy Cloning Zero Copy Cloning in Snowflake: Snowflakes have some advanced feature like Time Travel, zero-copy cloning […]
Drupal – Content Types Overview
Introduction About Drupal Written in PHP and published under the GNU General Public License, Drupal is a free and open-source web content management system (CMS). At least 14% of the top 10,000 websites worldwide and 1.2 percent of the top 10 million websites use Drupal as its open-source back-end architecture. These websites range from individual […]
How To Maintain Quality Application Support Services
High-quality application support is an ongoing process that requires more than identifying and resolving issues. This blog will go over how to establish and maintain a good application support system from the start. What is high-quality application support, and how can you ensure it? Quality standards are documents that include rules, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics […]
Katalon – Custom Keyword For JavaScript Executioner
In Katalon, users can set additional keywords to increase the functionality of Katalon Studio in addition to the built-in keywords. Like other built-in keywords, custom keywords can be used in test cases once developed. Users can expand keywords and reuse them across projects thanks to this capability. Assume that you want to execute the JavaScript […]
Ready, Get Set, Go! on AEM…
AEM has a vast infrastructure, and it requires time to hold expertise on it. Every expert was once a beginner, so you are never too late to start and have fun on AEM. In this blog, we will focus on the developers’ perspective of AEM and how one can start as an AEM developer. We […]
In-Depth understanding of client side script on Model Driven App and Dynamics 365
In this Power Platform article, we’ll look at how to add client-side scripting to a Model Driven App. Read on to learn how to use a client-side script in Model-driven or Dynamics 365 Forms, as well as what methods and collections are available. I’ll attempt to answer as many questions as possible in order to […]
Pass Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analyst Exam | PL-300
I will be sharing my personal experience with learning Power BI and clearing the PL-300 (Earlier called DA-100) exam. I hope this will help the other aspirants. I would not be compromising the signed NDA; hence no questions will be disclosed in this article. About the Exam : PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Analyzing […]
End-To-End-Automation on JIRA using RestAssured
REST- ASSURED REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. It supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) syntax like Given, When, and Then notations. It helps us to integrate with testing frameworks like Junit or TestNG. Code Explanation Given() ‘Given’ keyword, lets you set a background, here, you pass the request headers, query and path param, body, cookies. When() ‘when’ keyword […]
Exploring JIRA Server REST API via Postman
Importance of Jira Automation Project automation in Jira is necessary because it saves time, increases productivity, and improves team cooperation. In this blog, I’ll teach you how to automate various activities in Jira, reducing your workload and providing you with a detailed report. Which will also allow you to focus on other important aspects. “Focus […]
Katie Wilson Developing Her Career Through Client Relationships
At Perficient, you’re given the tools and resources you need to grow in your career while making a difference. You will work with professionals, strategists, engineers, designers, and developers who roll up their sleeves and dive in to help our clients, our communities, and one another. Katie Wilson, a senior technical consultant on the Salesforce […]
We Can All Learn From Crypto.com’s Hack and Response
We shouldn’t be that surprised. A couple of weeks ago, Crypto.com, one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrency platforms, was hacked on January 17, 2022. One area mentioned by the company as an issue was a gap in its multi-factor authentication (MFA) system. A statement issued by Crypto.com on January 20th said, “transactions were being approved without […]
Introduction to Spring Framework for Java
Introduction to Spring Framework for Java This article walks through the basics of using Spring Framework for Java. From a very, very high level point of view, Spring Framework infers a program’s runtime behavior from labels that the programmer attaches to pieces of code. There are many different groupings of labels, and each grouping of […]