What is CPQ? In the B2B industry, complicated products and a large catalog can make providing a quote a lengthy process, often generating inaccurate product configurations and quotes. The same order may vary in price depending on factors like your relationship with the client, the promotions you’re offering, product bundles, accounts with recurring orders, and […]
Accelerating Partner Management: How Manufacturers Can Navigate COVID-19 [Webinar]
Recovering, reopening and rebuilding will be a two-fold process: what now and what next. The pandemic has created a new normal for manufacturers, and the impact of digital communication will more be important than ever before. Join us at Tony Kratovil, RVP of Manufacturing at Salesforce, and Eric Dukart, National Sales Executive at Perficient, discuss […]
Digitally Catering to New Customers Post-COVID
In a recent blog I wrote called “Your Ecommerce Customers Are About to Change,” I discussed the unique opportunity businesses have been presented with due to COVID-19. Specifically, looking at how their customers, among many other things, will change forever in this new normal that we are starting to see each day. I wanted to […]
Work.com and What’s Next for Manufacturers in the Wake of COVID-19
Disconnected data. Supply chain disruptions. Employee wellness. Shift planning and management. Finding ways to return employees safely to the factory floor. When it comes to reopening and rebuilding, there’s one underlying commonality for manufacturers in the wake of COVID-19. The common thread: solving for distance. In some cases, it’s physical. How do you ensure a […]
Should Companies Invest in PIM or DAM?
Having spent a lot of time building custom software applications at the beginning of my career, there were many aspects of technology decisions that fascinate me. One of the subjects I’ve always enjoyed assisting companies with is the decision to “build vs buy” a software. Factors such as business needs, technical requirements, budget, access to talent, complexity, unique functionally, data privacy, and sometimes even […]
Salesforce Care for Manufacturing + Free 1-Week Jumpstart from Perficient for COVID-19 Relief
In response to COVID-19, manufacturers are battling increased and unpredictable demands to support workers on the front lines. Together with Salesforce, we’re here to help – ensuring you have the agility, information, and tools you need to rapidly pivot operations and reallocate resources. Salesforce Care for Manufacturing: What It’s All About This week Perficient rolled […]
CX COVID-nnovation: the Good, the Questionable, and the Not-So-Good So Far
One and a half months into lockdown and most organizations are now through the initial scramble to assess, address, and run in the best way they are able. But some have gone beyond just getting to a run state and pushed innovation to address new and evolving customer experience expectations. But are all these “COVID-nnovations” […]
Why Change, Why Now: COVID-19 & Digital Transformation in Manufacturing
Yesterday I noticed this little gem in my LinkedIn feed, courtesy of author Mark Metry: There is, of course, a bit of wry humor behind it. But there’s also a great deal of truth – and a serious reality – particularly for manufacturers. According to a March 2020 survey by the National Association of Manufacturers […]
Agile BI & Analytics is the Need of the Hour – Drive insights during Pandemic Uncertainty
In uncertain times like these its essential that we consider the disruption that is happening and take a nimble approach to help Organizations including my own by driving analytics and insights across the various Lines of Business. How can we take all the Public data that is available from John Hopkins, CDC, WHO and various […]
How Digital Solutions Help You Reach Customers in Times of Need
Some business disruptions can be planned for— material shortages, natural disasters, compliance or fulfillment roadblocks. But what about the obstacles we don’t see coming? The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has touched nearly every business in the world in some way or another, and in the face of such an unprecedented global crisis, many are […]
8 Benefits of Digital Transformation Done Right
Manufacturing is a complex industry, and with growing competition, connecting with your customers is more important than ever before. But it’s no small challenge to create a completely seamless experience – especially if you rely on dealers, distributors or other partners to be the biggest ambassadors of your brand. Finding the Right Strategic Partner Forrester […]
Did We Plan for This? A Look at B2B Ecommerce Disaster Planning
Do we have a disaster preparedness plan for this? Can we stop our customers from hoarding products? What can we do today? Due to some unfortunate circumstances, the answers to these questions are now needed for B2B businesses, especially those who depend on ecommerce for their day-to-day activities. Though we hope this COVID-19 outbreak will […]