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Posts Tagged ‘Perficient Nagpur’

Azure Databricks

Transform Your Data with Azure Data Factory

This blog will help you to understand the basic functionality of Azure Data Factory (ADF) and how powerful a tool it is when working with big data. Explore the basic architecture on ADF and get to know the components and services involved. A Quick Intro to Azure Data Factory & Its Key Features ADF is […]

Woman and man looking at two computer screens, woman pointing at screen.

Kubernetes on Multi-Cloud using Terraform

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source platform that manages containerized workloads and services and expedites declarative configuration and automation. K8s is often described as a container orchestration platform. Containers provide a lightweight mechanism for isolating an application’s environment. For example, containerizing an application not only means building a package that holds an application but all the […]

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Parent–Child Communication in Lightning Web Component (LWC)

We all know that Lightning Web Component (LWC) is one of the programming models used to build Lightning Components in Salesforce. It’s a trending technology among Salesforce developers and is recommended by Salesforce. Do you know why it is used widely? Because it is fast and lightweight. The primary purpose of using component-based development is […]

three women in technology

Understanding React Portals and Their Importance

React portals provide a first-class way to render and allow child components, which are typically present outside the DOM, to live within a Document Object Model (DOM) node. This React portal component exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. When the child component visually separates out from its parent component, the portal can […]

Support Link Promotion With the AddThis Social Media Tool for Your Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform

In my previous blog, How to Share Content by Implementing the AddThis Social Media Tool to Your Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform, we learned how to easily implement the AddThis social media tool to the share buttons in a Znode B2B Ecommerce platform. Now we’ll see how to add a link promotion by implementing the AddThis […]

Nagpur MuleSoft Meetup

Perficient Hosts First In-Person MuleSoft Meetup Event at Nagpur Office

Hello Muleys! What is a Muley? The term ‘Muley’ is an endearing nickname for MuleSoft enthusiasts within the MuleSoft community. On August 7,2021 Perficient partnered with the local Nagpur MuleSoft Meetup Group to host our first in-person MuleSoft Meetup with support from Perficient Nagpur leadership. Muleys from throughout the Nagpur community were invited to attend […]

Perficient Nagpur Covid Vaccination Drive

Perficient Nagpur Office Hosts Covid-19 Vaccination Event for Employees and Their Families

Precaution and prevention are the two words that surround our thoughts and activities every day during the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire world has been fearful of getting infected with the minacious coronavirus since its emergence in 2020. Mass-immunization against COVID-19 is vital to saving lives during this unprecedented global pandemic. Supported by Perficient leadership, the […]

Share Content by Implementing the AddThis Social Media Tool to the Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform

In today’s global marketplace, social media is a powerful product-marketing tool. It can direct consumers to a new product or attractive deal, engage them, and build a sense of community. Relatively, social media and online shopping play a significant role in our lives. A comprehensive social media presence also includes direct sales through certain networks, […]

Check for Suspicious Email Registration Through Episerver Commerce Framework

Several users are signing up under a suspicious or fraudulent email address when registering within an ecommerce site. These users are posting multiple irrelevant links to their own website to try to boost their ranking, or even posting URL links to dangerous or unsolicited websites. To avoid suspicious email addresses, we can check the reputation […]

The Importance of Implementing a Live Chat Tool for Episerver Commerce Cloud Sites

Amid COVID-19, we are purchasing almost all of our products online, meaning more and more customers are going online each day to find the products they need, which can become a struggle with the lack of in-person assistance. Digital tools, however, can play an important role for businesses and consumers during their online shopping experience, […]

Add the Google Shipping Address Autocomplete Feature in Insite Commerce

Shipping address is a very important data point in online shopping, which is why improving the shopping cart experience with an address autocomplete feature is becoming more common on ecommerce websites. Adding the Google Places Autocomplete API to your online store’s checkout workflow can increase conversion rates, decrease abandoned shopping carts, and result in 20% […] Resizeimage

Performance Optimization: Minify HTML in Znode 9.X Ecommerce Framework SDK

Speed is an important aspect of any website’s performance. Currently, there is a need for a solution to improve the upload speed of pages on ecommerce website. To address this, we created an elegant solution using MVC and C# language implemented (by removing the white space in our generated HTML) on the client of […]

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