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Posts Tagged ‘cx’

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#AdobeChat Recap: CX and Digital Transformation

There are certain things that are better together. Just like cookies taste better with a glass of milk, customer experiences are always better with digital transformation. During the most recent #AdobeChat, we discussed CX and digital transformation with special guest Brian Solis. Here are some of the highlights: What’s the problem with thinking CX and […]

Six Trends Moving the Needle in Customer Care: Omnichannel

Consumers are digitally savvy, well informed, and more demanding than ever. Not investing in resources that digitally transform customer care will become a competitive disadvantage. This series explores six technology trends for delivering smarter and more strategic customer care. Trend #5: Omnichannel Experiences Amplify Customer Loyalty The thought of calling customer service might be off-putting. Regardless of […]

AI adoption allows employees and AI to co-exist

AI Adoption and How to Thrive in The 4th Industrial Revolution

We live in a fantastic era of automated cars, drones delivering packages, chatbots taking fast food orders, and a new generation of robots’ co-existence with humans referred to as the 4th industrial revolution. AI has become an integral part of every discussion that I am in with a CXO. It’s always on their top five […]

Smiling Couple Using Tablet Computer In A Clothes Shop

Phygital – It’s More than a Buzzword

Two weeks ago I spoke at the annual SPECS Show. The retail-focused conference was centered on the physical aspects of running a retail business today, but there was also a dedicated track for discussions around digital trends. I gave a presentation on how digital and physical can meld, aka, PHYGITAL. Buzzwords aside, customer behavior trends […]

How Adobe Experience Cloud Impacts Customer Experience: Pt 1

In less than a week, Adobe will hold its annual Adobe Summit – Digital Experience Conference in Las Vegas where more than 15,000 people are expected to attend and learn about Adobe Experience Cloud.  We often hear people at our clients say, “we are buying Adobe”, without really specifying what Adobe product they are purchasing.  […]

Six Trends Moving the Needle in Customer Care: AI, VCAs, Chatbots

Consumers are digitally savvy, well informed, and more demanding than ever. Not investing in resources that digitally transform customer care will become a competitive disadvantage. This series explores six technology trends for delivering smarter and more strategic customer care. Trend #4: AI, VCAs, Chatbots: The Future of Customer Care If you’re tasked with evolving your firm’s customer […]


Driving Customer Loyalty With Sitecore Experience Commerce

Customer loyalty can be a huge factor in revenue growth. Driving loyalty through the commerce experience can lead to an additional 18% spend.

Transform Your Business with a Digital Experience Platform

With the increased demand for personalized and connective experiences, it’s unsettling that so many businesses are still wasting resources trying to piece together systems that weren’t designed to work together. Not only are they unsuccessfully trying to blend these solutions, but many organizations are managing them with separate processes. Executives increasingly recognize the importance of […]

Facial Recognition Enhances Customer Experience

Facial recognition technology is quickly advancing and going beyond the ever-popular security use cases. Now retailers can use it to deliver an omnichannel shopping experience. This is significant considering a 2018 Customer Experience/Unified Commerce Survey of top North American retailers found that 73% of customers expect order tracking across all touch points, but only 7% […]


These 5 Stats Will Make You Revisit Your CX Strategy in 2019

Good news travels fast — but bad news travels faster With your business dependent on customer satisfaction, being able to service them regardless of their issue is what sets winning brands apart. On the flip side, when service is not up to par, damage to the brand can be significant. And businesses are paying attention. […] Resizeimage 6

Instead of Mobile-First, How About Mobile-By-Design?

While this year’s NRF was full of the promise of AI and machine learning to enhance customer experiences across digital channels, I couldn’t help but think that while AI is exciting, sexy, and can probably deliver on the promise of great CX once fully implemented and refined (over time), what about a customer’s experience right now?  […]

Advantages of Datorama

Digital Intelligence and the Role of Data in Personalization

Welcome to 2019 where things take an interesting turn, or, materialize as predicated for so long. In a data-driven environment, it is no surprise that this year Information Executives (CIO, CDO, CTO, CAO) focus on the following topics according to IDG, Gartner, CIO, and Forrester: Trying to figure out ways to increase IT Budget to […]

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