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Posts Tagged ‘Communication’


Perficient Wins Recognition for Next-Gen IT Services in Telecom, Media, and Entertainment Industry

In 2025, communications, media, and entertainment companies are continuing to focus on shared goals and strategies to drive innovation, improve customer experience and reduce operating costs. The most successful companies in the industry are not doing it alone – they’re working with trusted advisors in the IT space to strategize and implement the most effective […]

Customer Experience Revolution: Perficient's Twilio Partnership

Customer Experience Revolution: Perficient’s Twilio Partnership

Thinking that we are a company that is in constant growth with talent located around the world, we must seek strategies that allow us to expand all the knowledge we have globally to be able to meet the challenges of the market regardless of our location and thus provide the best customer experience, deliver the […]


Cultural Bridges: Insights from Perficient’s Integration

In the dynamic world of corporate mergers and acquisitions, merging different organizational cultures often presents both challenges and opportunities. This was precisely the focus of the first Cultural Connections ERG panel of 2024 organized by Perficient, where members from various regions shared their experiences and insights on how to navigate the integration process and leverage […]

Businesswoman Giving Presentation On Future Plans To Colleagues

How to Communicate Technical Information to Non-Technical Audiences

When you hear a conversation happening in a language that you are not fluent in, you may catch a word or two but grasp enough to get an understanding of what is being discussed. A non-technical person may feel the same way during a technical discussion, even if the conversation is being held in their […]

Creativity? Checked!

Using Microsoft Teams: Set Up and Organize Teams Channels for Your Project

This blog is the first in a three-part series tackling how to set up and use Microsoft Teams for a project. Maintaining good communication is crucial to project success. One of the best tools to facilitate regular communication amongst your project team is Microsoft Teams. In this post, we’ll cover a useful way to set […]

Virtual Coffee

Successful Project Management Communication during the Pandemic

The Covid Pandemic of 2020 and 2021 have been disruptive and challenging in all aspects of our lives, personal and professional. However, life, and work, go on. Although it may not be business as usual, in many cases we are all expected to continue as if it is, well, business as usual! There are three […]

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Growing My Professional Experience with Communication

Welcome to the third and last blog in my blog series about my personal and professional development during my Perficient internship. The first blog in this series discussed a little about me and my internship goals while the second blog focused on how I achieved my first goal of improving my writing. This blog will […]

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Improving My Writing Skills Through My Perficient Internship

This is the second blog in the three-part series where I will be detailing my time as an intern at Perficient. The first blog in the series discussed my goals at the start of my internship. One of my main focuses over the ten week internship was to improve my writing. Throughout high school, I […]

Male Team Leader Talking To Diverse Businesspeople At Office Meeting

Forget ABC: Make ABL a Top Commerce Priority in 2021

I’m sure if you haven’t seen, you’ve at least heard of the infamous sales scene from the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross. But if you haven’t, in this particular scene the character played by Alec Baldwin rants for 7+ minutes on why the under-motivated real estate agents should “Always Be Closing.” The scene itself is […]

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Built In Recognizes Perficient as a Company with a Remote Culture Built to Last

Recently, Built In, a well-known online tech community, profiled our own Vice President of People, Andrea Lampert, SPHR, to get her take on how companies can continue to build a culture while working remote that will last for the long-term. Her responses were both interesting and noteworthy, all the while shining a light on several […]

Working At Home

Starting a New Job During COVID-19: A Remote Onboarding Experience

Starting a new job is a time filled with lots of nerves, excitement, and change. That first day you walk in the door, you don’t know exactly what to expect or what to do. However, as time goes on you become more comfortable, meet more people, and understand your role better in general. But what […]

Team Meeting

3 Tips for Effective Communication & Project Success

Communication is an exchange of information. Easy to define. Difficult to master. Problems caused by insufficient communication can be underestimated and hard to identify. Most of us “think” we communicate effectively and enough, but while too much communication can become overwhelming, it is rarely a problem for most teams. “The single biggest problem in communication […]

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