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Posts Tagged ‘Microsoft’

Perficient Named 2020 Microsoft Health Innovation Award Winner

We are honored to announce that we have been named by Microsoft the 2020 Microsoft Health Innovation Award winner in the category of Enable Personalized Care. The award recognizes healthcare organizations and technology solution partners that leverage Microsoft technology to provide innovative solutions to help enable personalized care, empower care teams, improve operational outcomes, protect […]

Talking Teams Integration at the Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon

I am excited to announce that on Thursday May 28th at 10AM PST, I will be speaking at the Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon alongside countless other Microsoft employees and MVPs. It’s a great honor to be able to present at this conference, which has had to pivot because of COVID-19. Traditionally, this conference would be […]

Man with dark hair and mustache wearing a gingham shirt with a watch, large over the ear headphones and looking at a grey computer monitor.

Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon is Community Togetherness, Big-Tent Diversity, and Inclusion

In March, I was meeting with a group working on a conference that was designed to be a Microsoft MTC led event for Modern Workplace. We had a great team and some awesome speakers. Michael Gannotti and I kicked off the keynote with special callouts to Microsoft Teams usage on the front lines with virtual […]

Computer Working

Rising Above at the Microsoft 365 Virtual Conference Marathon

Our worldwide pandemic has hit everyone differently. Even within the same circles, people are handling and responding to these changes in different ways. I have found such strength and inspiration from the IT industry and our clients. Everyone has approached this challenge head-on. My professional community has provided such a grounding force by facing this […]

Why Azure Red Hat OpenShift Helps Developers Innovate

The following is the fourth and final in a series of blogs about how innovation is necessary for businesses – and how Azure Red Hat OpenShift, a managed offering from Microsoft and Red Hat, enables that innovation. In this fourth blog, we’re going to highlight how Azure Red Hat OpenShift helps developers focus on innovation […]

How Azure Red Hat OpenShift Simplifies Processes to Drive Innovation

The following is the third in a series of blogs about how innovation is necessary for businesses – and how Azure Red Hat OpenShift, a managed offering from Microsoft and Red Hat, enables that innovation. In this third blog, we’re going to go further in-depth about how exactly Azure Red Hat OpenShift enable innovation by […]

Project Cortex Brain

Preparing for Project Cortex and the Future of Knowledge Management

What if you had a Wikipedia of all of the topics that are being discussed at work? How would that change your productivity? Imagine a place that had an explanation for the acronyms, pages with information about the projects and processes at work linked to the experts, files, meetings. Imagine a way to navigate who […]

Computerized DNA string

Join Us for a Webinar About Microsoft’s Project Cortex and the Future of Knowledge Management

Microsoft has turned traditional enterprise content management on its head with its announcement of Project Cortex. Project Cortex uses advanced artificial intelligence to harness collective knowledge from across the enterprise and automatically organize it into shared topics like projects, products, processes, and customers. Using AI, Cortex creates a knowledge network based on relationships among topics, […]

The Need for Innovation and Azure Red Hat OpenShift

The following is the first in a series of blogs about how innovation is necessary for businesses – and how Azure Red Hat OpenShift, a managed offering from Microsoft and Red Hat, enables that innovation. In this first blog, we’re going to examine the current cloud market and why businesses need to innovate now. The […]

Healthcare bot for call centers during COVID-19 crisis

Chief AI Strategist Chats About COVID-19 Healthcare Bots

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (social distancing?), you know that healthcare providers worldwide are facing major challenges related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. One of these challenges is the rapid spike in call volume overwhelming call centers and providers. Many of the calls pouring in require human support to answer questions, but staffing […]

Remote Work During COVID-19 With Microsoft 365 – Here’s What You Need To Know

Considering the highly fluid COVID-19 (more commonly known as the Coronavirus) situation, businesses around the world are continuing to grapple with the impact it will have. What many are now learning is that digital has the power to help organizations not only respond quickly, but mitigate risk associated with disruption of normal business operations. No […]

Join Us for a Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams Migration Webinar

Last year Microsoft announced plans to retire Skype for Business Online in July 2021. While that may sound far away, now is the time to start planning your Microsoft Teams migration. Whether you have 250 users or 250,000, the requirements and steps to ensure a successful Teams migration are the same.  Our upcoming webinar, Skype […]

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