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Lysa Young-Bates

Lysa, a senior marketing manager, explores the business needs, consumer expectations, and industry challenges driving digital innovation in healthcare, life sciences, and financial services.

Blogs from this Author

Online Consultation With Their Doctor

Experience Design for the Patient Journey

We search for health information in times of heightened emotions: fear, stress, frustration, dread—and even, at times, excitement and anticipation. Irrespective of emotional state, when consumers encounter a healthcare organization’s website, they are not asking to be marketed to, nor are they asking for an accurate representation of  departmental structure—they are asking for your help. […]

Blogging Man Table Cellphone

An Interoperability Success Story: Modernizing Enterprise Data & Integrations in Healthcare

A healthcare experience upgrade – that’s the quest of so many healthcare organizations. Consumers expect better healthcare experiences. Government has even mandated it. And, below the surface, data serves as important connective tissue powering seamless, connected experiences for patients, members, and their care ecosystems. Interoperability helps unlock data’s greater potential — healthcare innovation, more meaningful care […]

Network Connection Technology

Deliver Fully Integrated Experiences in Healthcare

CMS interoperability rules generated quite the commotion in healthcare this past year.  But when you think about it, these mandates are pushing us closer toward the consumer-centric goals that healthcare organizations already aim to prioritize. Interoperability Mandates Mirror Business Needs Rules and Regulations. Regulations like the CMS Final Rule mandate that health care organizations make […]

Chandra Craven Black Panther

People of Perficient: Meet Chandra Craven, Senior Digital Healthcare Strategist

Chandra Craven helps healthcare organizations find their power by channeling the voice of the customer. I connected with her to learn more about the passion she brings to her role as a Senior Digital Healthcare Strategist. Along the way, I learned that she flexes some serious, professional cosplay skills in her spare time – in […]

Kurt And Yupha Engagement Ceremony In Thailand

People of Perficient: Meet Kurt Highducheck, Healthcare Key Account Director

Kurt Highducheck joined us in 2019 and quickly made his mark by impacting client and team success. I sat down with him to explore what keeps him energized in his role at Perficient. It’s great to chat with you, Kurt. Thank you for joining me. Can you tell me a bit about your role as […]

Senior Solutions Architect Christopher Fougere with his dogs, Stanley and Deke

People of Perficient: Meet Christopher Fougere, Healthcare Senior Solutions Architect

I recently connected with one of our interoperability leaders, Christopher Fougere, to discuss what it’s like leading teams and delivering projects within our healthcare practice. We discussed what he enjoys most about his role at Perficient as a Senior Solutions Architect. Christopher, thank you for taking time out of your day to chat with me. […]

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3 Tips for Success: Automation Governance in Healthcare

It is relatively easy to create an AI or machine learning proof of concept, and eventually you will have multiple teams creating their own models to perform similar tasks. Beware, however, that this can result in duplicative training and tuning efforts, different outcomes and predictions, and variances in accuracy. The goal of automation is to […]

Flow Chart Background

Process Mining: The Foundation for Intelligent Automation in Healthcare

Despite the billions spent each year to digitize processes, companies are not operating at their maximum potential. This is due in part to the fact that processes are forced to run across a rigid and fragmented technology landscape. Instead of creating value, digitization is creating execution gaps. Common signs that your organization is suffering from […]

Young Man Using Laptop At Table

Prime Opportunities for RPA in Healthcare

It is common for enterprises to approach automation through a technology lens like robotic process automation (RPA) and then report they are “fully automated.” These organizations sought a specific solution and, in most cases, are stretching the technology beyond its intended purpose. Intelligent automation is not accomplished by a single technology working independently, but rather […]

Virtual Health

The Journey to Seamless, Consistent Virtual Health Experiences [On-Demand Webinar]

The proliferation of virtual health is crowding an already-busy patient and member journey with new options. By smoothing and optimizing the growing array of digital touchpoints, you can truly differentiate your brand and forge better care experiences. In a recent webinar, healthcare technology and experience experts David Allen and Tara Becker discussed ways to seamlessly […]

Executive at Computer

Enhance Efficiency and Value in Healthcare With Intelligent Automation

Consider this eye-opener: TechCrunch reports that the U.S. Healthcare system loses approximately $140 billion each year due to inefficient management of basic internal operations. As the world becomes more digitized, automation is increasingly important to healthcare enterprises looking to keep pace with consumer expectations and competition. Companies of all sizes and across industries are leveraging […]


Building a Scalable, Integrated Virtual Health Ecosystem [On-Demand Webinar]

Virtual health includes so much more than virtual visits. It spans a universe of digital interactions that impact both healthcare consumers and care professionals. How your digital infrastructure enables these touch points offers an opportunity to forge a better care experience. In a recent webinar, our technology and healthcare experts sat down to discuss flexible, […]

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