Have you noticed your expenses rising lately? Eating out costs are up over 4% year over year, housing expenses have increased by 5-6%, and opening your auto insurance bill reveals a shocking 22% hike. These figures highlight the inflationary pressures impacting various sectors but are particularly severe in the property and casualty (P&C) insurance industry. […]
Perficient Achieves Government Specialization Distinction with Pegasystems
Perficient is excited to announce that we have earned the Government Specialization Distinction (Americas) in the new Pega Partners program. Specialized partners are thoroughly vetted by Pega to bring deep vertical knowledge or specialized expertise to clients. Pega Partners that achieve a Specialization have a demonstrated ability to help customers build more innovative businesses, and […]
Perficient and Pega: Working Together to Support Caseworkers
Child welfare caseworkers are among the most overworked government employees, they shoulder the responsibility for the well-being and safety of our most vulnerable population – children. The work of today’s caseworkers is limited by disjointed processes and siloed data. These aging, disparate legacy systems do not support their work in a timely and efficient manner. […]
Perficient’s Solution for Legacy Child Welfare Systems
The Challenge Our children are our most precious resource and protecting them from neglect or abuse is of paramount concern. Child welfare caseworkers have the responsibility to work with this most vulnerable population and improve the outcomes for these children through in-home services where possible, or out-of-home services, foster care, or adoption where necessary for […]
Perficient Earns New Pega Partners Delivery Specialization
Perficient is excited to announce that we have earned the Delivery Specialization in the new Pega Partners program. Specialized partners are thoroughly vetted by Pega to bring deep vertical knowledge or specialized expertise to clients. Pega Partners that achieve a Delivery Specialization have a demonstrated ability to help customers build more innovative businesses, and have […]
Perficient’s Key Takeaways: The Forrester Wave™: Digital Process Automation Software, Q4 2021
Digital process automation (DPA), also called process orchestration, leverages digital technology to perform a task in order to accomplish a workflow or function, such as the loan process at a bank. With DPA, you can define event-driven business rules that provide a streamlined next step for all processes within your enterprise. As enterprises continue to […]
Pega and Google Cloud Unite to Provide Personalized Healthcare Experiences
The need for data interoperability is greater than ever. Approached strategically and at an enterprise level, interoperability presents a big win for healthcare organizations. It stands to turn data into a true strategic asset that can accelerate clinical, marketing, and operational excellence. Healthcare organizations need easy-to-use technology to support the exchange of healthcare information and to […]
COVID-19 Employee Vaccine and Testing Tracker with Pega
As we announced last week, The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on, at minimum, a weekly basis […]
Perficient Earns Pega Authorized Partner Designation
We are excited to announce that, following changes to the Pega Partners Program, we have been designated a Pega Authorized Partner. This designation is a testament to our Pega platform knowledge and capabilities, and it demonstrates Pega’s trust in us to deliver quality solutions and outcomes. With over 12 years of experience with the […]
Perficient Introduces Application for Employers to Monitor COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Results
On September 9th, President Biden announced a new action plan to address the latest rise in coronavirus cases and the slowing pace of COVID-19 vaccinations. The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is developing a rule that will require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully […]
Tools Used in Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software. Just like people, software robots can do things like understanding what’s on a screen, complete the right keystrokes, navigate systems, identify and extract data, and perform […]
Power Duo Approach to Physician Burnout, Cost Optimization, and More
Healthcare payers and providers aim toward a common pinnacle goal: to promote better health outcomes. The steps toward this achievement require efficiency and insights. In this blog, I explore how intelligent automation (or IA) and advanced analytics intersect to support healthcare’s aims. Triple Aim? Quadruple Aim? First, a brief history lesson. In 2007, the Institute […]