Financial Advice Isn’t Just For The Wealthy. Oftentimes, when we think of financial advisors, the upper class and those planning for retirement are first to come to mind. In fact, in a survey conducted by MagnifyMoney, 42% of respondents (notably, 48% of women and 35% of men surveyed) indicated they believe financial advisors are “only […]
Digital Transformation
Strategy – The Real Driver behind Your Content and Commerce Approach
The term “strategy” can often come off daunting for many people, but in reality, it’s the opposite of daunting. In fact, it’s really quite opportunistic, especially for your company. Your strategy is the foundational piece you need to develop to ensure that your technology, processes, and objectives are aligned to meet customer needs and mature […]
Commerce Director’s Thought Leadership Featured in Forbes Article
Perficient’s Director of Commerce Strategy, Justin Racine, was recently featured in the Forbes article, “Creating An Amazing Customer Experience On A Budget” by Shep Hyken. Hyken’s piece, which references Racine’s recent CMSWire contribution piece, emphasizes the struggle to provide the same customer experience despite obstacles such as employment issues, supply chain problems, or other causes […]
6 Areas That Stall Organizational Change
In 1987, Mary Lippitt released a change management model that beautifully illustrated five key areas for organizational change. In 2000, Tommy Knoster extended Lippitt’s concept and included a sixth area of importance: consensus. It is now referred to as the Lippitt-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change.
How Adobe Document Cloud Helps Transform Financial Institutions
Paperwork is an integral part of most processes in the financial services industry. However, in addition to draining precious natural resources, it significantly contributes to wasted time and lagged productivity within institutions. Given these pitfalls, innovators of the digital age have worked for years to redefine the concept of paperwork and disconnected electronic documents, converting […]
How to Easily Connect Your Business with Your Customer’s Digital Experience
Your customers want to live the digital-first lifestyle, especially when it comes to interacting with your brand. But, does your business have a plan, strategy, structure, and requirements in place and prepared to deliver on these expectations? Your company’s organizational change management (OCM) processes must be addressed and set before you can choose the right […]
What Successful Customer Obsession Should Be Like in Your Company
Obsession is often misconstrued in many forms, but when it comes to your customers, it’s seen as a competitive advantage that helps your organization develop personalized content for your buyers. It can also help your business to curate customer journeys so focused on the customer that you’ll never feel as though you’re missing the mark […]
4 Harmful Innovation Myths
Creating a culture of innovation is a fragile effort. It needs to be nurtured and encouraged. If your work culture doesn’t allow for creativity, your organization’s big ideas might pop like a broken lightbulb!
Microsoft Inspire 2022 Recap: “The Viva Edition”
Jump to: Viva Engage Viva Goals Viva Sales Other Viva News Microsoft’s annual partner conference, Microsoft Inspire, wrapped up Wednesday, July 20, 2022. While still virtual, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella kicked off his keynote by explicating the ‘digital imperative’ of infusing technology into all business processes. He implored partners to not just talk about digital […]
Introduction to Google Analytics – A Guide for Beginners
A guide towards an entry to Google Analytics with Naeem Sheikh. What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that will help in tracking website traffic and generate an easy understandable report to analyze the performance of your website. It is basically divided into five major report i.e. Realtime […]
How To Create Reports Using SQL Server Reporting Service(SSRS)
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a SQL Server subsystem that enables the creation of graphical, Mobile and printed reports using SQL Server and other data sources. It is part of Microsoft SQL Server Services suite. SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that supports transaction processing, business intelligence and analytics applications. […]
Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) using Blue Prism
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Robotics is nothing but computers that imitate human actions. They introduce automation, which means tasks are done without human intervention. Some common RPA examples and use cases we encounter include automation of data entry, data extraction, and invoice processing. There are additional examples of RPA use cases automating tasks in different […]