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Back-End Development

A group of diverse coworkers working on the computer together

Optimizely CMS – the Importance of GUIDs and Assembly Names

In the Optimizely CMS world, we see GUIDs everywhere. They are unique identifiers for content types and more. As part of Optimizely CMS development, developers are advised to always specify GUIDs in their Content-Type declarations. If one isn’t specified, the DB assigns one dynamically when saving the Content-type. A big reason for this is that […]

Application security assessment

Unexpected MDX assumptions and error handling for subsets in TM1/Planning Analytics

I had a bug in a TM1 application recently that was very difficult to track down, and it was because I didn’t understand the different ways that TM1 might respond to vague or incorrect MDX expressions.  MDX makes some unexpected assumptions. Take the following simplified example cube: Let’s say that I have an active form […]

Abstract digital global map with data points

Basic Understanding of Full Load And Incremental Load In ETL (PART 1)

Full Load: Full Load in ETL is loading ALL the data from the source to the destination. A target table is truncated before loading everything from the source. That’s why this technique is also known as Destructive Load. In full load first we truncate the destination table and then we load all the data from source […]

Application security assessment

Analyzing TM1 logs and data from the command line using Find

The Find Command I come from a systems background in Windows and Linux, maintaining operations and writing programs in C.  Since I bring that perspective to my TM1 work, I’m more comfortable with command line tools than some of my other teammates, so I thought I would share some tips. As an example, let’s look […]

Programmer Working In A Software Developing Company Office

Ready, Get Set, Go! on AEM…

AEM has a vast infrastructure, and it requires time to hold expertise on it. Every expert was once a beginner, so you are never too late to start and have fun on AEM. In this blog, we will focus on the developers’ perspective of AEM and how one can start as an AEM developer. We […]

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Remote validation in ASP.NET MVC without using jQuery

In this blog, we will implement remote validation by making an ajax call to the server without using jQuery; we will achieve this using vanilla JavaScript. What is the purpose of remote validation? Here’s an explanation: Often, user inputs must be checked against a database to see if it already exists. We need to validate […]

The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

Digital Accessibility – Using a Screen Reader

I have heard many people say, “I’ll just download a screen reader and test that bug”. Using a screen reader takes time and practice to use in a similar way that a user with a disability would use the tool. It’s important to know the keyboard shortcuts as well as understanding how to use them […]

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Implementation of Completable Future of Java 8

Completable-Future is used for asynchronous programming in Java. Asynchronous programming means writing non-blocking code by running a task on a separate thread than the main application thread and notifying the main thread about its progress, completion or failure. This way, main thread does not block/wait for the completion of the task and it can execute other tasks […]

A woman helping her male coworker work on code

Cool Things You Can Do with Marketo’s REST API

Hey, friend! This is April Deibert and Sam Schwarz with the Marketo Team, a part of the Digital Marketing Solutions Practice here at Perficient. Over the past year, we’ve worked on some cool client projects where we used our Marketo REST API skills creatively. We thought you might appreciate learning more. If any of these […]

Person working at a whiteboard

Optimizely CMS 12 – Dependency Injection(DI) – StructureMap vs ASP.Net Core

If you are upgrading to Optimizely CMS 12, one of the breaking changes to consider is the change to the Dependency Injection(DI) framework. Earlier versions of Optimizely CMS had their own DI hosting framework that supported other concrete DI implementations, like StructureMap. With CMS 12 and ASP.Net Core, DI framework is built into the system. […]

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Creating a Custom Sitecore Pipeline Processor

Customization is Crucial One of the essential customization concepts in Sitecore is the ability to customize the flow of the application globally without having to add a rendering to every page or include code in a universal layout. Creating a custom Sitecore pipeline processor gives developers a way to inject their custom code into the […]

Man on mounted desktop computer working.

Optimizely Search : How to search for all expired assets

First of all, I want to mention that EPiServer Find (now known as Optimizely Search and Navigation) is a great tool to search for content on an Optimizely site, whether its CMS or Commerce. It comes with a range of options to customize and with filtering and boosting ability to get the best results. Often […]

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