What about Rendering Parameters? I recently did a POC using rendering parameters in a component in XM Cloud. In this blog i will describe my approach, issues faced and how i overcame them. Adding a rendering to a component, is relatively straight forward in Sitecore development, i.e.(https://doc.sitecore.com/xmc/en/developers/xm-cloud/walkthrough–building-a-simple-rendering.html). However, there are some circumstances where things are […]
Content Marketing
Enhancing Content Efficiency with Smart Crop in AEM
In today’s digital landscape, captivating visuals play a pivotal role in engaging online audiences. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), a robust content management system, offers a wide array of powerful features to streamline content creation and delivery. Among these features, Smart Crop functionality is a valuable tool for optimizing and automating image cropping to fit various […]
AEM Customization: How to Add a Custom Action Button to the AEM Assets Action Bar Menu
Recently, a client approached us with a requirement to update content fragment elements data, Assets metadata, and Folder metadata via an Azure-based API. Our initial solution was to implement a JMX script, which could be started by an admin user group with valid parameters. However, this was a rather limiting solution, as normal AEM authors […]
Physician Blogs: How to Position Your Physicians as Thought-Leaders
When people need to find a doctor, most of them turn to the internet. That means your organization’s physicians must find ways to stand out in this hyper-connected, hyper-competitive marketplace. As a healthcare marketer, you’re in a unique position to help your physicians find their voice. Physician blogs are a great way to get your […]
Medical Device Marketing: How You Can Watch Your Language and Drive Greater Engagement
Inspired by my colleague Michael Adkins’ recent post on word choice in healthcare marketing, I thought I’d explore how word choice, language, and tone can help shift prospect medical device buyers into long-term loyal customers. For device makers and marketers, this can be a tough ask, as you’re often dealing with several disparate audiences, from […]
Healthcare Blogs: A Prescription for Healthcare Marketing Success
If there’s one thing healthcare marketers need more of, it’s time. Your day is most likely taken up with monitoring campaigns, analyzing metrics of your digital marketing, adjusting strategies and, of course, meetings. But it’s a simple fact: Healthcare blogs provide significant opportunities to connect with your audience and drive conversions. If your healthcare organization […]
Navigating Content Workflow Excellence: Sitecore vs. Content Hub
In the dynamic realm of content management, workflow management emerges as the linchpin to ensure that the right content finds its way to the right audience at precisely the right moment. Workflow systems are indispensable for streamlining content creation, review, and publishing processes, ensuring efficiency and accuracy. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the […]
Why Word Choice Has Emotional Consequences in Your Healthcare Content
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou, poet and writer I use the above quote when teaching clients about the best practices of effective web writing for healthcare. It’s a good gut check for […]
Number 100
I have been working at Perficient for almost 8 years. I have always enjoyed writing blogs and sharing my knowledge with others. This is my 100th blog post! WOW! I can’t believe I finally made it! Come with me while I take a look back at 8 years worth of content. Series I write a […]
Healthcare Storytelling Part 2: Improve Your Patient Stories With the Hero’s Journey
In Part 1 of this series, my colleague Marlana Voerster wrote about the need for healthcare organizations to incorporate principles of good storytelling to make your brand a hero in users’ eyes. In this article, we’ll be talking about storytelling and heroism from another angle: the hero’s journey, also known as the monomyth. It’s a […]
Making Sitecore Sites More Accessible and Screen Reader Friendly
Aria labels provide alternate text to adaptive technology tools such as screen readers. This helps website visitors navigate the site more accurately. One use case for aria-labels is on html anchor tags. Sitecore does not a way to manage this text by default. Follow along and I’ll show you how to modify the various link […]
Recap: Writer and Perficient Generative AI Event in NYC
In the past 12 months, Artificial Intelligence has gone from a future technology that has the potential to be revolutionary to a must have to remain competitive. From August 2022 to August 2023, “How to use AI” has skyrocketed on Google Trends by 507% with many leading innovators believing that this is the next internet […]