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Posts Tagged ‘conversion optimization’

Doctor Using A Digital Tablet In A Modern Hospital

Conversion-Centered Content: 5 Secrets Your Healthcare Organization Needs to Know

Conversions are healthcare marketers’ lifeblood. After all, most of the effort you spend on audience outreach and engagement, apart from simple brand awareness and public-service campaigns, comes with the ultimate goal of getting those audience members to become patients, members or consumers of your healthcare organization (HCO). That means you need a plan behind each […]

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Driving Success with Optimizely DXP and Perficient

Discover the New Optimizely and What it Means for Your Business In the past few years, we have seen many mergers and acquisitions in the marketing technology space. With the advance in content management systems (CMS), e-commerce software, and marketing optimization tools, we’ve seen many tools come together under one brand. This is seen across […]

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Alex Harris Checks in with Nasdaq at Opticon19

Director of Conversion Optimization Alex Harris stopped by Opticon19 last week to meet with other conversion rate optimization (CRO) experts in the industry and learn about the latest Optimizely releases. While there, he sat down with Nasdaq’s Laura Moreno for a quick chat about the event, what we do here at Perficient Digital, and the […]

Types of Qualitative Data Reports and Identifying A/B Test Ideas

Have you ever wondered how visitors actually interact with your website? While analyzing your quantitative data is vital for understanding the numeric impact, we also need to understand the qualities of our consumers, or, the qualitative data. In previous posts about improving your website and increasing conversions, we briefly discussed how to identify A/B test ideas. Today, […]

Quick Do’s and Don’ts for Analyzing Data

So, you have a quantitative and qualitative tool on your website. Great!  Now what?  What do you do with a plethora of numbers, percentages, heatmaps and visitor responses?  You start digging, analyzing, and uncovering what’s happening on your website.  But how do you go about this? Here’s are some key Do’s and Don’ts for how to […]

Start With The End In Mind Delivering The Optimal Ux

Start with the End in Mind: Delivering the Optimal UX

No matter what the function of your website is, the ultimate goal is to deliver the optimal user experience (UX) and increase conversions. Conversion is a little bit of a loose term. There are micro-conversions, macro conversions – and conversions that can differ based on your site purpose. Maybe you’re trying to get someone to […]

Beware of Conversion Killers

So you want to start optimizing your website through A/B testing. That’s wonderful news! Your first thought should be, “Where do I start?” While diving into your qualitative and quantitative data is essential to a successful testing program, there are some known “conversion killers” that you can fix and/or test right away. Though tricky to […]

5 Reasons To Use An Iterative Website Redesign Process

5 Reasons to Use an Iterative Website Redesign Process

Has your company been wanting to redesign its website, but can’t agree on the best course of action? Let’s say you hire the best designers in town to give your site an entirely new look and feel. It looks great, but does that mean it’s going to make you more money? Not necessarily. Companies like […]

Start Converting More Visitors Into Customers

Start Converting More Visitors into Customers

The best time to start improving your eCommerce rates is now. I mean right now. As we continue through Q2 into Q3 the ideal time to start optimizing your website is during the spring and summer months. Many commerce websites have seasonality. Obviously, the busiest times of the year are during holidays and, of course, […]

Optimize and Analyze with Google Optimize 360

Test. Adapt. Personalize.  With the recent announcement of the Google Analytics 360 Suite, Google promises easy-to-use experimentation with Google Optimize 360. Aimed to help optimize and personalize customer experiences from device to device, this product could very well be the game-changer we have all been waiting for.  When combined with the rest of the 360 Suite, […]

Why Are Your Conversion Rates Not Higher

Why Are Your Conversion Rates Not Higher?

At this point, I’ve started to explain the importance of prioritizing optimization efforts in order to see the best results in the shortest amount of time. In the previous posts I’ve told you about where to start testing and what to test.  The final piece of the puzzle is to explain why to start testing. […]

First Steps In Finding What To Improve On Your Website

First Steps in Finding What To Improve on Your Website

In our previous post, I explained a little bit about where we look for test ideas. After identifying the where, the next question is what should I test? To discover what to test, our team uses specific tools to gather insights that give us a better understanding of what people are doing on top opportunity […]

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