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Technical Controller Working at His Workstation with Multiple Displays. Displays Show Various Technical Information. He's Alone in System Control Center.

GIFs in Power BI Using Tooltip

In this blog, we will show a GIF as a report page tooltip when hovering over a visual. This cool technique allows you to display instructional GIFs or videos for our end users. Steps for Creating GIFs: App to record gifs Adding gifs to Power BI Adding Tooltip Integrating with button App to Record GIFs: […]

Two programmers working on some coding together

Power BI Performance Tuning

Power BI Performance Tuning Whenever we start developing reports in Power BI three important things always come to mind these are data accuracy, data security, and report performance. If the report performance is not up to the mark, then there is no meaning of how much effort we have put into it, we have to […]

Optimizely Configured Commerce Best Practices

Downside of Power BI

Power BI is an interactive tool for business intelligence and data visualization. This is the platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI is a fantastic tool for analyzing data and uncovering key insights. Nevertheless, we know grass is not greener on the other side so […]

An Introduction of Azure Sentinel

An Introduction of Azure Sentinel Microsoft Sentinel is a solution for a variety of issues including intelligence analysis, detecting uncovered threats, investigating suspicious activity, enterprising monitoring, and rapid response. Sentinel is a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) service in the cloud. Today, I will discuss Azure Sentinel’s […]

Person working on data security

Downside of Power BI

Power BI is an interactive tool for business intelligence and data visualization. This is the platform that provides nontechnical business users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI is a fantastic tool for analyzing data and uncovering key insights. Nevertheless, we know grass is not greener on the other side so […]

Sad businessman outdated technology

What does SharePoint 2013 End-of-Life Mean for You?

Change – while never easy – is sometimes necessary! If your organization is still running SharePoint 2013 for your enterprise content management, the time for change is fast approaching. On April 11, 2023, Microsoft is officially ending its extended support for this product (among others). What does this mean for you? And what are your […]


Row Context & Filter Context in DAX

In this article, I am going to explain what is Row Context & Filter Context in DAX. First, we know what is context. Context enables you to do dynamic analysis, in which the results of a formula can be changed to reflect the current row or cell selection and any associated data. An understanding of […]

Two programmers working on some coding together

Accessing Power BI confidential data in Excel for internal organization users

Background Microsoft Excel is a popular and preferred spreadsheet solution for quick daily use reporting by the majority corporations and businesses in the world. Many times, corporate users need access to organization’s data in Excel for further development of MIS Reports. Power Query is a powerful tool embedded in Excel which can connect to internal […]

Incorta Analytics

10 Steps to Writeback in Power BI Using Power Apps

Writeback in Power BI Using Power Apps! Since we are aware that Power BI does not directly allow us for editing or writeback, we may use Power Apps to provide this feature. We learned how to integrate Power Apps on Power BI dashboard in the first part. In this section, we’ll create the same canvas […]

Laptop Project Work Project Management Software Shut

How to Create Data Source Parameters?

In this article, I am going to explain how we can create data source parameters in Power BI. If you have different environments like Development, QA (UAT), and Production, and you want to check your reports on those environments without spending too much time changing the data sources. So, that time you need to create […]

Laptop Project Work Project Management Software Shut

What is Bravo for Power BI?

What is Bravo for Power BI? Bravo studio is a design before, no code tool which allows you to turn your app designs and prototypes into real publishable mobile apps (both iOS and Android). You can use Bravo to build even complex apps by connecting your design to external tools via APIs. In this blog, […]

Microsoftteams Image (3)

Adding Pre calculated rank column in Power BI

Firstly, starting with, what is Rank function in Power BI? So, Power BI’s Rank function returns the ranking order based on the order specified. The Rank column command adds a new column to a table, with the ranking determined by one or more other table columns. To specify how ties should be handled, use the […]

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