A big challenge that hospitals and health systems face revolves around patients being discharged, then re-admitted in short order after they arrive home. This is problematic for a few reasons. Most obviously, patient health and wellness are always a top priority for hospitals and health systems, so when a patient is discharged and they have […]
Justin Racine
Justin Racine is a Director and Lead Strategist with Perficient, and he works with clients to build and achieve their business goals through commerce-enabled technologies. Justin has over 12 years of experience within the ecommerce space, working with companies such as Cardinal Health, Johnson & Johnson, and Olam International, and has spoken at over 20 global conferences on ecommerce and branding strategy. Additionally, Justin has been published twice for his thought leadership on branding and marketing in the Henry Stewart Journal of Brand Strategy, is a contributing writer for CMSWire.com, and a frequent contributor for many leading industry publications.
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Blogs from this Author
Health and Wellness Ecommerce Will Become the Proactive Choice for Consumers
People wanting to be and feel healthy isn’t anything new, but with all that’s happened over the last year with COVID-19, consumers have an increased focus on health and wellness. A recent survey estimates the global wellness market at more than $1.5 trillion with an annual growth of 5-10%. Quite the healthy outlook if you […]
Two Commerce Tips to Kick Off Your Q2 The Right Way
Well, we made it – Q2 is here and if you’re reading this article, that means you likely work in the ecommerce space and Q1 went from zero to one hundred real quick. When 2021 kicked off, customers and society as a whole hit the ground running as we slowly but surely start to move […]
3 Key Commerce Areas the Texas Winter Storm Teaches Us About Being Unprepared
If you’ve been following the news recently, you’ve likely heard something about how Texas has been trampled by unusually cold temperatures and snow this past week. What you may not have heard is how unprepared the state was for this event. What was even more surprising is how unprepared I was. You may have read […]
How Amazon Will Likely Influence Your B2B Marketplace Strategy
Amazon is one of the largest marketplaces that we as consumers have ever seen. With that, Amazon has primarily focused on a direct to consumer structure and caters more to end-user customers vs. the traditional B2B channel; that is, until a few years ago when the ecommerce titan really put some weight behind its B2B […]
Forget ABC: Make ABL a Top Commerce Priority in 2021
I’m sure if you haven’t seen, you’ve at least heard of the infamous sales scene from the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross. But if you haven’t, in this particular scene the character played by Alec Baldwin rants for 7+ minutes on why the under-motivated real estate agents should “Always Be Closing.” The scene itself is […]
Healthcare Distribution & Manufacturing Companies Will Have Another Record Year in 2021
An eMarketer article reported that “US B2B Digital Healthcare Ad Spend will grow by 41.2% in 2020 to reach $848.1 million. That is the highest growth rate out of all the sectors for which we track B2B digital ad spending.” Now, I can’t say I’m surprised by this statistic. As eMarketer accurately points out, not […]
Why Instagram’s New Shopping Icon Is Changing Ecommerce Forever
Earlier this summer, Instagram started testing a new feature by adding in a shopping icon, replacing the legacy activity feed icon. I have yet to see this feature on my personal Instagram account until this morning. While Instagram has recently released its new “reels” feature, this new step to replace the activity feed with the […]
Survive and Thrive During the 2020 Holiday Shopping Season: 3 Digital Commerce Trends to Act On Now
It’s hard to believe that the 2020 holiday shopping season is almost upon us, and it’s likely to be unlike any other holiday season we’ve seen to date. It goes without saying that this year will be different in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, and you already know the impact the pandemic has had […]
Top 3 Reasons Why Episerver’s React-Based Front-End CMS Is Really, Really Cool.
2020 has offered us some big surprises that I don’t think any of us could have predicted. The most obvious one I won’t waste breath mentioning, but the other surprise that came up near the end of 2019 as we looked to kick off a new decade was Episerver’s acquisition of Insite. With this acquisition, […]
What Restaurants and Bars Can Teach Us about Commerce User Experience
There are many important aspects to consider when looking at re-platforming or re-vamping your commerce storefront. One of these aspects that almost always comes into play is user experience, and for good reason. At a high level, we ecommerce professionals know the importance of keeping the look and feel of a site fresh – but […]
How to Differentiate Your B2B Products During COVID-19
COVID-19 has completely changed the way B2B businesses sell products to customers. Traditionally a buyer would experience the product and its features first-hand, determine if the product will meet expectations, and make purchases in an office setting. Unfortunately, the ability to safely go through that process is not an option during these unprecedented times. Businesses […]