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Posts Tagged ‘Software Development’


Congratulations to the Recent Perficient Bright Paths Graduates

Custom Coding Bootcamp Focuses on Advancing Diversity in Technology Queue the graduation march song! Today marks the conclusion of Perficient’s Bright Paths Program in Detroit and Lafayette, Louisiana, and Perficient is proud to announce the graduation of 55 exceptional students from the program. Designed to advance STEM education and career opportunities for underrepresented constituencies and […]

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Advancing Diversity in Tech: Perficient Bright Paths Program Expands to Detroit & Lafayette

As the leading digital consultancy with more than 5,000 global colleagues, Perficient is committed to driving STEM education and career growth opportunities, and enhancing the communities in which we live and work. The Perficient Bright Paths Program, specifically, is an initiative designed to serve those who may not have access or opportunity to pursue their […]

Software Engineers Working On Project And Programming In Company

Perficient Interviewed for Forrester Report: Forget About Build Versus Buy…

For companies looking to advance their digital offerings, the traditional build-vs.- buy mentality has become obsolete. This way of thinking both underestimates the cost and complexity of packaged solutions while overestimating those of custom development. According to Forrester, pure buy doesn’t exist, and pure build is often impractical for effective digital enterprises. Therefore, in the […]

Website Design. Debugging, Developing Programming And Coding Technologies.

[Video] Why Consider Nearshore Software Development?

U.S.-based companies face increasing pressure to innovate with functional, customized software applications to deliver on their business objectives and outpace their competitors. Nearshore software development presents a cost-effective solution to this accelerated need for digital innovation by helping companies to bring new offerings to market faster and gain a competitive edge with enhanced user experiences. […]

Hip On HIPAA Tip For A Smooth Launch

Hip On HIPAA: Tip for a Smooth Launch

A scenario: your experience, virtual health, and marketing leaders have shaped creative and compelling ideas to personalize interactions with healthcare consumers. Of course, execution drives those inspirations to fruition, and any type of communication connected to patient data requires a new set of considerations. Realistically, you’ll employ the expertise of development teams as you move […]

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Nearshore Software Development in Action: What Delivery Success Looks Like

The stakes to evolve your business and adapt to new realities have never been higher. How do you accelerate and scale your transformation cost-effectively? The answer – optimized global delivery. Follow this series and learn more about our nearshore software development capabilities from members of our global consulting team in Colombia. When coordinating software development […]

Happy Mixed Race Group Looking At Notes On Glass Board.

How a Nearshore Development Partner Boosts Agile Transformation

The stakes have never been higher for your business to adapt and evolve. But how do you accelerate and scale your transformation cost-effectively? The answer – optimized global delivery. Follow this series and learn more about our nearshore software development capabilities from several members of our global consulting team in Colombia. In just over 20 years, Agile methodologies […]

Testing Lists – 0, 1, 2, N

If you are a project manager or business analyst, and certainly if you are a software developer or quality analyst, you will need to test lists at some point. I have an approach I use to fully exercise these lists that I refer to as the “0, 1, 2, N” test. Maybe I should call […] Resizeimage (2)

“Any Way You Can” – 3 Lessons for Software Developers

I had a math teacher in high school who for me was “the teacher,” the one that I remember most fondly. I was a student of his for two years, learning geometry, trigonometry, and calculus from him. I was always drawn to math, but he had a way of teaching that made it more fun […]


What Does Software Quality Look Like?

One of my favorite discussion points to ask job candidates applying for any position related to software development is: Tell me what product, any product, you think of as a high quality product and why. More to come in a future blog on this and my other favorite question, but this I think is a […]

XR Potential in Software Development

XR is a term that is generally used to refer to “extended reality”. This involves any combination of human-machine interaction where the reality you perceive is altered or constructed by a computer. In this blog, the term XR will mostly be referring to 360° videos, virtual reality, and augmented reality. The Growth of XR in […]

change management

Q&A with Pivotal: The Evolution of Software Development

Organizations are taking cloud-native approaches to development to re-platform and re-architect their existing applications or accelerate development of new applications. In this Q&A series, we talk to Jeff Kelly, a member of the Pivotal marketing team where he works with system integrators like Perficient to help enterprises accelerate and scale their digital transformations. The focus of this […]

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