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Posts Tagged ‘#perficientnagpur’

Website Design. Developing Programming And Coding Technologies.

Understanding JavaScript Web APIs: Part 1

JavaScript is a central pillar in web development, elevating user engagement and imbuing websites with dynamic capabilities. Among its intriguing components are Web APIs, which facilitate access to diverse browser functionalities. In this segment, we’ll explore these APIs, starting with Part 1: Web Forms API. Let’s commence our exploration of these fundamental tools for web […]

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AWS S3 Integration with Snowflake

In today’s ever-changing world, data is essential for every kind of organization, customer, or business. These days, most businesses use cloud storage to store data that is recoverable, quickly available, and safe. Users always want upgrades and the most recent technology to apply to their applications. Users won’t be able to obtain continuous data updates […]

Coworkers Team At Work. Group Of Young Business People In Trendy Casual Wear Working Together In Creative Office

Interactive Component Accessibility Testing

As sites and applications become more intelligent, it’s essential to guarantee that all clients, regardless of disabilities, can access and utilize these elements. Interactive components like sliders, accordions, and modals can be especially difficult to make open, yet with the right testing strategies, it’s feasible to guarantee that everybody can utilize them. Sliders Sliders are […]

Woman Editing Digital Photos On Desktop Computer

Timed Interactions and Timeouts Testing in Accessibility Testing

Timed interactions refer to any interaction with an application with a time constraint. This could be a login session that expires after a certain time, a payment gateway that times out if the user takes too long to complete the transaction, or any other interaction with a time limit. Testing the accessibility of these interactions […]

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Apex Queueable Jobs & Finalizers: Salesforce’s Power Duo

Aloha Trailblazers! In the world of Salesforce, data accuracy is super important. But sometimes, especially when dealing with lots of data or complicated processes, it can get tricky. That’s where Apex transaction finalizers come in handy. They’re like little helpers that let you do extra stuff after your data work is done. Thus helping you […]

A Male Programmer Shows A Female Colleague A Coding Technique. The Codes Are Visible On The Laptop Screen

Next.js Font & Image Optimization Guide

Optimizing Fonts Explaining How to Optimize Fonts in a Next.js Application //Path: src/app/Card/page.js import { Poppins } from “next/font/google”; const poppins = Poppins({ subsets: [“latin”], weight: [‘100’, ‘200’, ‘300’, ‘400’, ‘500’, ‘600’, ‘700’, ‘800’, ‘900’] }); const page = () => { return ( <> <h1 className={poppins.className}>Poppins Font Styling</h1> <p>this is paragraph</p> <button>Click me</button> </> […]

Businesswoman Checking E Mail Online On Laptop

Implementing Email Functionality with Nodemailer in Node.js

In the contemporary digital landscape, the automated transmission of emails has become an integral aspect of web application development. Be it for dispatching notifications, distributing newsletters, or executing password resets, the integration of email functionality into Node.js applications holds significant importance. Thankfully, Node.js provides Nodemailer, an efficient library that enhances the email-sending experience. This tutorial […]

Birds Eye View Of Business

How to Assign Records to Salesforce Queue: A Complete Guide

Hello Trailblazers! With the need for effective customer data and records management increasing, Salesforce developed a solution called Salesforce Queue. Queues offer a dynamic solution, allowing users to efficiently organize, assign, and prioritize tasks and records. If you are not aware of what a Salesforce Queue is, how to create one, and its advantages, check […]

Secure your Experience Cloud 

Aloha trailblazers! With the rise of digitalization, the demand for advanced solutions has surged, leading to the inception of the Secure Experience Cloud. This powerful Salesforce feature allows external or unauthenticated users to access a subset of your data securely. While advantageous, this functionality carries the risk of potential security threats, which can be mitigated […]

Shot Of A Young Man Using His Digital Tablet And Computer In A Modern Office

Mastering Advanced Features and Techniques of JEST React Testing Library

Welcome to a deeper journey into the JEST React Testing Library world! We’ll explore advanced methods and tricks that enhance your testing expertise here. If you’re new to JEST, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with “Exploring JEST React Testing Library: A Complete Overview,” which helps you understand basic and advanced insights, ensuring a comprehensive […]

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Navigating Snaplogic Integration: A Beginner’s Guide

As there is rapid growth in businesses going digital, the need to develop scalable and reliable functionalities to connect applications, Cloud environments, on-premises assets have grown. To resolve these complex scenarios, iPaaS seems to be a perfect solution. For example, if a developer needs to connect and transfer huge data from an e-commerce platform to […]

Female Freelance Developer Coding And Programming. Coding On Two With Screens With Code Language And Application.

ES6 Deep Dive: Unlocking Advanced JavaScript Features

Introduction JavaScript saw a revolution with the release of ES6, which added state-of-the-art features that increased its potential. In this blog, we’ll explore these advanced JavaScript ES6 features, illuminate their subtleties, and showcase how they enable developers to produce more effective, expressive, and manageable code. Developers can confidently and skilfully handle the difficulties of current […]

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