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Shashikant BhoyarTechnical Architect

I am a seasoned technical expert who offers guidance in the conceptualization, creation, and implementation of technology-driven applications and services, specializing in the Optimizely Configured (Insite) Commerce, CMS and zNode eCommerce frameworks in .NET technology.

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Blogs from this Author

CI/CD in Databricks

Available Request Delivery Date Feature in Optimizely B2B Commerce Cloud

Delivery dates play a vital role in any type of eCommerce store for customer satisfaction and retention. The Optimizely B2B Commerce Cloud delivery date feature will allow customers to choose a delivery date during checkout and review on the website. The customer can select any delivery date, even the current date. The site administrator can […]

The Various Types of Online Ecommerce Business Models

Ecommerce means “the business of buying and selling things over the Internet.” Many businesses use ecommerce to reach out to clients all over the world and grow their sales. Ecommerce has several business models. Let’s review the most common models: Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Consumer-to-Business (C2B)   Business Buyer Consumer Buyer Business Seller […]

The Importance of Third-Party Integrations for Ecommerce Websites

When setting up an online store or marketplace, you must consider the complete business process system. You must determine which services your resource will use and examine third-party integration alternatives throughout the development stage. Please see below a list of integrations to add to a B2B marketplace website or any other ecommerce resource. Payment Integrations […]

Add List Building Functionality to Znode B2B Ecommerce Using AddThis

In my last two posts, I discussed how to: Quickly integrate the AddThis social media tool into the share buttons in a Znode B2B Ecommerce platform. Apply the AddThis social media tool for your Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform to add a link promotion to your Znode B2B Ecommerce platform, which allows you to show promotional […]

Support Link Promotion With the AddThis Social Media Tool for Your Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform

In my previous blog, How to Share Content by Implementing the AddThis Social Media Tool to Your Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform, we learned how to easily implement the AddThis social media tool to the share buttons in a Znode B2B Ecommerce platform. Now we’ll see how to add a link promotion by implementing the AddThis […]

Share Content by Implementing the AddThis Social Media Tool to the Znode B2B Ecommerce Platform

In today’s global marketplace, social media is a powerful product-marketing tool. It can direct consumers to a new product or attractive deal, engage them, and build a sense of community. Relatively, social media and online shopping play a significant role in our lives. A comprehensive social media presence also includes direct sales through certain networks, […]

Check for Suspicious Email Registration Through Episerver Commerce Framework

Several users are signing up under a suspicious or fraudulent email address when registering within an ecommerce site. These users are posting multiple irrelevant links to their own website to try to boost their ranking, or even posting URL links to dangerous or unsolicited websites. To avoid suspicious email addresses, we can check the reputation […]

The Importance of Implementing a Live Chat Tool for Episerver Commerce Cloud Sites

Amid COVID-19, we are purchasing almost all of our products online, meaning more and more customers are going online each day to find the products they need, which can become a struggle with the lack of in-person assistance. Digital tools, however, can play an important role for businesses and consumers during their online shopping experience, […]

Add the Google Shipping Address Autocomplete Feature in Insite Commerce

Shipping address is a very important data point in online shopping, which is why improving the shopping cart experience with an address autocomplete feature is becoming more common on ecommerce websites. Adding the Google Places Autocomplete API to your online store’s checkout workflow can increase conversion rates, decrease abandoned shopping carts, and result in 20% […] Resizeimage

Performance Optimization: Minify HTML in Znode 9.X Ecommerce Framework SDK

Speed is an important aspect of any website’s performance. Currently, there is a need for a solution to improve the upload speed of pages on ecommerce website. To address this, we created an elegant solution using MVC and C# language implemented (by removing the white space in our generated HTML) on the client of […]

Exporting Insite Commerce Data without Admin Assistance

Often times, clients want to empower their customers to export their eCommerce transactions, such as order history, approval lists, and saved orders, and other data, like wish lists and cart lists, by themselves without admin involvement. These features removed dependency on Insite admins, subsequently improving the user experience, efficiency, and overall satisfaction for Insite users. […]

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