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Posts Tagged ‘UI’

React: Dealing with ‘This’ and Event Handlers

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs). One of the important aspects of building UIs is that you must be able to react (get it?) to user interaction. React has its way to handle events, but it’s up to the developers to handle the value of the this keyword inside the handle […]

Direct to Consumer - mobile first

How to Manage State in React

In this recap, I’m going to demonstrate a top-down data flow approach to managing state with React. First I’ll go over a couple of approaches one might take and then refactor to make things nicer and less likely to have bugs. Let’s say you want to add a button that, when clicked, will toggle your […]

The Secret to Functional, Collaborative Salesforce Communities

Vlocity is a San Francisco-based company that delivers industry-specific cloud and mobile software that embed digital, omnichannel processes for customer-centric industries. They are also a Strategic Partner to Salesforce and have many tools developed to help their customers and partners drive results and ensure success. However, Vlocity’s VisualForce community lacked engagement and was difficult to […]

Bj Blog Hdr Userfirstd E 062018

User First Design. User First Experience.

Business users are bringing their consumer purchasing power with them to the office. They expect instantaneous results. Designers need to find a balance between meeting this expectation and creating an interface that isn’t cluttered.


5 Ways to Identify User Trends with Surveys

Why Guess at User Trends? With advancements in technology paired with our everyday consumer experiences, today’s user trends are in constant flux. When the technology that’s supposed to help us doesn’t, it’s frustrating, and even with the most successful projects, your users are going to have questions. Identifying the reasons behinds user trends can sometimes […]

Bj Blog Intro 07052018

Welcome to Brainjuice Box!

There are over two million blog posts published daily. You read that right – two million. Every. Single. Day. So of course, that makes everyone (us included) ask, “who in the world needs another blog?” What could we possibly have to say that hasn’t already been said? What do we have to add to an already crowded conversation landscape?

Sitecore Developers: Get To Know Your Content Authors

It’s no secret that I love working with and designing great content authoring experiences in Sitecore. While I’ve talked extensively about the technical considerations of designing for the Sitecore Experience Editor, considerations for a quality content authoring experience actually begins by understanding who your content authors will be. When developing components for use in the […]

How We Deliver Salesforce Communities Without Giving Up Vacation

Delivering on a project like this is one that makes the whole team feel good. But how do you do this while still maintaining your sanity, let alone a life outside of work? Obstacle: Faced with a Super-Tight Deadline but it’s a Great Opportunity OpenTable heard about our community expertise and came to us in […]

But How Do It Know? Dissecting Regular Expressions

To truly understand regular expressions, you have to actually use them. A lot of people who use regular expressions (regex) don’t care to understand how they work; they just Google one that looks like it might work for them, throw it in there, and hope for the best. I don’t know how it works, it […]

Detecting the Use of a Touch Screen

Here’s a fun one: Ever have some UI/UX interaction that needed to be one thing for mouses and another thing for touch devices? Ever used Modernizr? If you have, you may be familiar with this gem: Warning: Indicates if the browser supports the Touch Events spec, and does not necessarily reflect a touchscreen device You […]

Reusable Components for a CMS, Using the Revealing Module Pattern

Before we get started, I recommend reading about the revealing module pattern and closure, if you’re not already familiar with them. When you are building components for use in a CMS, it’s important to understand that you have less control over the use of these components than you may initially think. Programming these blocks in such […]

Using BEM-Style CSS Syntax in SCSS

Modular component styles are becoming significantly important in modern UI trends. Handling scalability while decreasing naming convention differences is a necessary step towards code cohesion. Disclaimer: I use a slightly modified flavor of BEM syntax, feel free to use traditional BEM, or some other flavor of your own. When developing UI components, specifically for use […]

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