Introduction: Selecting the appropriate framework is a crucial choice in the ever-changing world of app development. Each of React Desktop, Flutter, and React Native has special advantages. We’ll examine the benefits and drawbacks of these frameworks in this analysis to assist developers in making selections that are specific to their project requirements. 1. React Desktop: […]
Software Development
Understanding the Significance of HTML5 in Modern Web Development
HTML5 is the newest version of HTML, the language used to make web pages. It comes with significant changes to how developers work with HTML, with the goal of making websites more clear, easier to create, and available to everyone. HTML5 focuses on making web content more understandable, keeping design separate from content, making sure […]
Exploring Vue.js: A Thorough Guide to HTML Binding, Event Management, and Loop Iteration
Binding Methods and Functions in Vue.js Binding methods in Vue.js connect functions defined in the Vue instance to events or directives in the template, enabling interactivity. <template> <!– Interpolation –> <p>{{ message }}</p> <!– Using v-bind directive –> <a v-bind:href=”url”>Learm More</a> <!– Using shorthand : –> <a :href=”url”>Read More…</a> <button v-on:click=”handleClick”>Click me!</button> <!– Using shorthand […]
Which Components Are Available Out of the Box with Sitecore XP Using SXA? A Quick Reference Guide
When planning a new website, a web development team must identify the essential components required for completion. These pieces are often called components. Assuming the site is being built using a Content Management System (CMS), most, if not all of these platforms will have their own set of “out of the box” components. Out of […]
Exporting Media Items with Sitecore PowerShell Extensions
Intro 📖 At this point, I think every Sitecore developer uses or has at least heard of Sitecore PowerShell Extensions (SPE). This powerful module for Sitecore is an auto-include for most teams and projects. The module is included with XM Cloud instances by default; if you use XM Cloud, then you already have SPE. If […]
Sling Mappings++ Large Lists and Mapping Arrays
As all AEM Developers know, AEM, and more-so the underlying JCR, has limitations on how many children a single parent can have before we start to see performance issues. First in the UI, and then more critically in the ability to look-up and manage content nodes themselves. When designing for a net-new AEM website, this […]
Mastering Responsive Videos and Maps with Bootstrap Embed Classes
In Bootstrap, the embed-responsive and embed-responsive-item classes create responsive embeds for videos, maps, or any other embedded content. These embedded classes ensure the embedded content scales properly and maintain its aspect ratio across different screen sizes. Let’s explore how to use Bootstrap embed classes for responsive embeds. Bootstrap Responsive Video Embed Bootstrap provides a simple […]
Make Your Flutter Apps Soar with Pigeon Platform Channels
Flutter is great framework for cross platform development. It allows you to make pixel perfect apps that are generated into native code, but what happens if you need to use existing code in iOS or Android directly? For situations like these, Flutter allows you to use platform channels. Platform channels give you access to platform-specific […]
Understanding JavaScript Web APIs: Part 1
JavaScript is a central pillar in web development, elevating user engagement and imbuing websites with dynamic capabilities. Among its intriguing components are Web APIs, which facilitate access to diverse browser functionalities. In this segment, we’ll explore these APIs, starting with Part 1: Web Forms API. Let’s commence our exploration of these fundamental tools for web […]
AWS S3 Integration with Snowflake
In today’s ever-changing world, data is essential for every kind of organization, customer, or business. These days, most businesses use cloud storage to store data that is recoverable, quickly available, and safe. Users always want upgrades and the most recent technology to apply to their applications. Users won’t be able to obtain continuous data updates […]
Next.js Font & Image Optimization Guide
Optimizing Fonts Explaining How to Optimize Fonts in a Next.js Application //Path: src/app/Card/page.js import { Poppins } from “next/font/google”; const poppins = Poppins({ subsets: [“latin”], weight: [‘100’, ‘200’, ‘300’, ‘400’, ‘500’, ‘600’, ‘700’, ‘800’, ‘900’] }); const page = () => { return ( <> <h1 className={poppins.className}>Poppins Font Styling</h1> <p>this is paragraph</p> <button>Click me</button> </> […]
Styling Excellence: Mastering Next.js for Stunning UIs
In web development, making interfaces look good is vital. Next.js, a popular React framework, requires mastering styling techniques for excellence. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of styling in Next.js, focusing on importing global styles, adding styles at the component level, harnessing SASS support, and utilizing CSS-in-JS. Global Styles Simply import global styles […]