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Posts Tagged ‘IoT’

How the IoT will Impact Healthcare

Let’s be honest, when it comes to our health we all want prompt and personal care. As a patient, we want the cost to be low, and the feeling of empowerment to be prevalent throughout the experience. Our world is becoming increasingly connected through the development of technology. With these extensive levels of connectivity, the […]

Mobile Everything? Considerations Before Delivering Mobile Access

We frequently see projects these days with a requirement for mobile access to corporate technology platforms. For clarity, I am limiting my definition of “mobile” to cell phones. We hear three common drivers behind this requirement. The first driver is remote access (outside the office) to these platforms. Second is a changing employee population which […]

Programmer Working In A Software Developing Company Office

Creating a Simple IoT Application using a RaspberryPi+ NET Core and Azure

The purpose of this blog post is to give an insight on the creation of a sample application that exemplifies what is the Internet of Things and how an application that uses the existing frameworks and resources provided by Microsoft can be developed. This application will consist of a device that generates temperature data and […]

How Blockchain and Bitcoin Tech Will Fuel the Industrial IoT

Technological powerhouses bitcoin and blockchain offer the potential to collaborate with the Internet of Things (IoT), resulting in simplified connections within the industrial IoT. Through advanced implementation of blockchain and bitcoin, technology promotes a simpler way to experience life itself. Blockchain is the underlying technology in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Information contained and stored within […]

Evaluating the Maturity of Key Supply Chain Components

To successfully address supply chain trends, it is critical that the foundational aspects of your existing supply chain are operating effectively. We recommend evaluating the maturity of the following key supply chain components before attempting to use the latest technologies. SUPPLY CHAIN DATA GOVERNANCE (BLOCKCHAIN, ADVANCED ANALYTICS) Data integrity is the key to supporting transformational […]

Domo Certify

What’s Next in Supply Chain?

While it’s impossible to know for certain what the future holds, trends can be a reliable predictor of what’s on the horizon. Our extensive work with supply chain has revealed several trends that we believe will be impacting supply chain in the near future. These include: Blockchain: Create immutable end-to-end data visibility into all aspects of […]

The Different Types Of Iot Security Attacks

The Different Types of IoT Security Attacks

?When we introduced the concept of IoT security in this blog post, we covered some simple guidelines to help you prevent security breaches and minimize the damage caused by attacks on IoT devices. In this article, we’ll focus more on defining the potential security risks in regards to IoT.  To understand the risks in IoT infrastructure […]

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Intro to Analytics in Oracle IoT Cloud Service [Webinar]

Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Service helps you make critical business decisions and develop strategies by providing numerous applications that allow its users an inside perspective on their company’s facts and figures. Some of these applications include connecting your devices to the cloud and analyzing data and alert messages from those devices in real […]

How Iot Infrastructure Factors Into Data Security And What That Means For You

How IoT Infrastructure Factors into Data Security and What That Means for You

What can you truly do to prevent and deal with cyber attacks? The answer is right here in these primary IoT principles. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is transforming traditional industries and providing unprecedented amounts of data to provide world-altering information to all users and adopters. However, the IoT is also vulnerable to security breaches and the ensuing […]

experience-driven commerce on a mobile phone

Staying Ahead of Digital Commerce Trends: What You Need to Know

Digital innovation continues to disrupt industries at lightning speed. Today’s organizations are transforming their entire business – from strategy to operations, technology to culture – to better deliver value to their customers. In 2017, we compiled the top 10 trends leaders needed to know when it came to their digital transformation journey. In this 10-week […]

How AI, IoT, and Smart Technologies Impact Digital Transformation

Digital innovation continues to disrupt industries at lightning speed. Today’s organizations are transforming their entire business – from strategy to operations, technology to culture – to better deliver value to their customers. In 2017, we compiled the top 10 trends leaders needed to know when it came to their digital transformation journey. In this 10-week […]

What Microservices, APIs and IoT Mean for Your Integration Strategy

Facing a deluge of data, disparate data sources, and ever-increasing customer and employee expectations, enterprises are challenged with optimizing their operations. Integration has and will continue to be a core strategy for successful business optimization. The market views a number of developing trends as the next go-to technology applications for business optimization. Microservices, APIs and […]

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