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Posts Tagged ‘digital strategy’

Innovative: The Business Value of Experience Design (Part 5 of 8)

This is the fifth in a series of blog posts sharing the results of our study on the business value of experience design. Read the last post here. In this post, we explore the value of innovation: Bringing diverse and fresh ideas and perspectives to help the organization think differently, differentiate and future-proof its investments. […]

Why Commerce Should be the Key to Your Digital Transformation

The customer is your business’ number one priority because they are your main source of revenue and drive you to the next step in your success. Customer expectations are frequently changing and more customers are relying on digital processes for their commerce efforts due to their fluidity. Businesses must digitally transform to keep up with […]

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[Podcast] WISW Episode 5: What if You Could Deliver Anything as Soon as it Was Valuable?

Listen Now! In Episode 5 of the What If? So What? podcast, we interview Jeff Small, Director of Mobile Product Strategy at Perficient about the evolution of digital product management and how organizations can think about digital products as a transformational strategy. Click The Player To Listen to Episode 5 Now Subscribe and Don’t Miss […]

Address common barriers to delivering on customer expectations

What Did You Expect? Delivering Experiences that Meet Customer Expectations (Part 3 of 3)

Part 3: Delivering on Expectations Are you ever unsure of what your customers want? Would knowing what they expect help you drive business outcomes? If this sounds like you, read on as we explore the art and science of expectations in the wrap-up to this three-part series. Our story so far has explored the gap […]

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[Podcast] What If? So What? Episode 4: What if Every Brand Went Direct to Consumer?

In a world where retail has changed and consumers remain at home, how do brands reimagine the task of getting products to customers? In Episode 4 of the What If? So What? podcast, we interview Jon Bostock, best-selling author, innovator, co-founder and CEO of Truman’s and learn how brands that innovate will win in a […]

Young Couple Using Digital Tablet With Their Financial Advisor In The Office.

Are There Digital Strategy Lessons Financial Institutions Can Learn From Other Industries?

The answer is yes, of course there are.  I presented on this topic, along with my colleague Scott Albahary – Chief Strategist for Financial Services here at Perficient and Jim Marous – Co-Publisher of The Financial Brand, to approximately 500 financial services industry folks. As the financial services industry continues to go through its digital […]

Design for customer needs

What Did You Expect? Delivering Experiences that Meet Customer Expectations (Part 2 of 3)

Part 2: Keeping Up with Changing Customer Needs Are you ever unsure of what your customers want? Would knowing what they expect help you drive business outcomes? If this sounds like you, read on as we explore the art and science of expectations in the second installment of this three-part series. In Part 1 I […]

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[Podcast] What If? So What? Episode 3: What if You Could Do 5 Years of Digital Marketing in 6 Months

The pandemic dramatically accelerated the evolution and maturity of digital marketing. As platforms, approaches, and channels have all shifted seemingly overnight, we have a new normal for changing your marketing strategy more rapidly than ever. In Episode 3 of the What If? So What? podcast, Kim interviews Eric Enge, Principal at Perficient, to learn what […]

Computer Working

What Did You Expect? Delivering Experiences that Meet Customer Expectations (Part 1 of 3)

Part 1: The Expectations Gap Are you ever unsure of what your customers want? Would knowing what they expect help you drive business outcomes? If this sounds like you, read on as we explore the art and science of expectations in the first of this three-part series. In marketing and design circles we often measure […]

Construction Concept. Residential Building Drawings And Architectural Model,

Perficient’s Brian Flanagan Featured in 2021 SoDA Report

Brian Flanagan, Perficient’s Digital Experience Strategist was selected by the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA) to contribute towards the recently released 2021 SoDA Report, Digital First, Digital Fast. In his article, Delivering at the Speed of the Customer, Brian shares his insights on developing technology-based experiences at the speed customers expect in a digital first […]

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[Podcast] What If? So What? Episode 2: What If I Convinced The CEO To Embrace Design?

No one asked for the iPhone. Yet the experience of using it is as much of the design as the product itself. Design today goes far beyond the packaging and the product. How the consumer feels –whether good or bad – while buying and using a product is the design. In Season 1, Episode 2 […]

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[Podcast] What If? So What? Episode 1: What If Everything Really Is Digital?

In an era where everything is considered digital, what really makes something digital? In Season 1, Episode 1 of the What If? So What? podcast, hosts Jim Hertzeld and Kim Williams-Czopek share their research on what makes something digital or not. They discuss examples of things that are definitely digital and some that aren’t quite […]

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