As you may know, unit testing and test-driven development (TDD) are important for making sure your code complies with the design, is scalable among your team, and provides automated regression. Often times, the JUnit test and component back-end Java code come hand in hand. An AEM developer who writes the component logic is also responsible […]
Posts Tagged ‘development’
The Keys to Successful Salesforce Development Projects
While we’re obviously partial to the skills of our Salesforce Developers (the technicians responsible for coding work on our projects), there’s more to it than simply hiring the “best of the best” in the industry, when it comes to achieving development success on our client engagements. While the end goal is ultimately to increase customer […]
How To Switch From WCMUsePojo To Sling Models in AEM Part One – Component
Looking back at Adobe Experience Manager’s (AEM) component development path (especially if you started from 6.0 or earlier), you likely have used a variety of ways to provide back-end logic to components. Beginning with JSP (or even scriptlets), to abstract component Java class with page context or binding objects, to Adobe’s WCMUse or your custom implementation of […]
Perficient Digital Wins Three Hermes Creative Awards
The Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals recently recognized Perficient Digital with three Hermes Creative Awards. We were awarded one Platinum award in the Mobile Website category for our work with Mohawk Flooring. And two Gold awards – one in the Nonprofit category for The Henry Ford’s website and one in the Microsite category for […]
Perficient Digital Wins Best of Industry at the IAC Awards
Perficient Digital recently won two Best of Industry awards at the Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) for our innovative digital experiences on behalf of Carhartt and The Henry Ford history museum. We were honored in the Best Fashion or Beauty Website category for designing and developing the Carhartt Fall 2016 Lookbook microsite. We developed the microsite for reporters, to make […]
Making Sense of the MEAN / MERN Stack
I remember the first time I developed a website during the dot-com boom in the late 1990s. I was a fourth grader at Williams Elementary School, going to school among many fellow classmates who had parents in the technology industry. Sensing that their students might one day be part of this wave, our teachers put […]
Getting Started with IBM Content Navigator Plugin Development
IBM Content Navigator (ICN) is a massive leap forward for the OOTB Enterprise Content Management user experience. One of the most important features is the plugin interface. It allows organizations to extend or alter functionality in a maintainable way that persists nicely through upgrades and fix packs*. I’ve been working on a talk for a […]
How to Extend SCORE Components with Custom Functionality
SCORE’s Bootstrap UI layer delivers core functionality for the most commonly used components in web development. When the core offering does not satisfy your requirements, though, one option may be to extend SCORE components with custom functionality.
Elevate Your Innovation with DevOps in a Box
When Apple launched their iPhone nearly a decade ago, the proliferation of devices and subsequent innovation of mobile applications brought about an evolution in how everyday consumers interact with their technology. The arrival of their Application Store further created the paradox of choice as consumers found themselves with many options to connect with friends, do their […]
How to Force the Index to Update on the CD Server
The issue: Index not updating properly A while back I ran into an issue where the index on the CD server was not updating correctly. I checked the EventQueue table and the event existed to update the index but it just wasn’t happening. I cleared the EventQueue table and tried again but in some cases […]
Toolset for the Elite Web Developer
Remember the good ol’ days when you were learning how to code, and all that mattered was getting the code to compile and making sure the site rendered what you expected? You probably tried to keep your code organized and readable; after all, you had to be able to understand what you wrote. Maybe you […]
Video: Improving First Interactions for Learning Care Group
When children are engaged in constructive play and learning from an early age, they have a lifetime of benefits – like improved academic performance throughout their educational career, a love of learning, and improved emotional development. That’s why Learning Care Group is committed to creating state-of-the-art facilities with the latest technology and expert-driven curriculum. To match the […]