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Understanding Microservices Architecture: Benefits and Challenges Explained

Understanding Microservices Architecture: Benefits and Challenges Explained Microservices architecture is a transformative approach in backend development that has gained immense popularity in recent years. To fully grasp the advantages of microservices, it is essential first to understand monolithic architecture, as microservices emerged primarily to address its limitations. This article will delve into the differences between […]

Artificial Intelligence Concept

Revolutionizing OpenAI Chatbot UI Deployment with DevSecOps

In the contemporary era of digital platforms, capturing and maintaining user interest stands as a pivotal element determining the triumph of any software. Whether it’s websites or mobile applications, delivering engaging and tailored encounters to users holds utmost significance. In this project, we aim to implement DevSecOps for deploying an OpenAI Chatbot UI, leveraging Kubernetes […]

A group of marketing professionals in a meeting.

Unleashing CI/CD Magic in Boomi’s Integration

What is CI/CD?    A CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeline is an automated workflow or series of steps that developers use to build, test, and deploy their code changes. It’s a crucial part of modern software development, promoting efficiency, reliability, and consistency in the software development process. Why Do We Need CI/CD? In many organizations, […]


Level Up Your Map with the ArcGIS SDK

In today’s tech-driven world, the ability to visualize data spatially has been vital for various industries. Enter ArcGIS, a Geographic Information System (GIS) developed by ESRI, which is here to help us solve our client’s needs. Let’s chart our way into the world of ArcGIS and how it empowers businesses to harness the full capabilities […]


React Native – A Web Developer’s Perspective on Pivoting to Mobile

Making the Switch I’ve been working with React Web for the last 6 years of my dev career. I’m most familiar and comfortable in this space and enjoy working with React. However, I was presented with an opportunity to move into mobile development towards the end of 2023. Having zero professional mobile development experience on […]

Artificial Intelligence Digital Concept Abstract Brains Inside Light Bulb

Understanding the Basics of TOGAF: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction TOGAF, which stands for The Open Group Architecture Framework, is a widely recognized enterprise architecture framework used by leading businesses globally. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive beginner’s guide to understanding the basics of TOGAF, its significance, and how it can benefit organizations. TOGAF is an enterprise architecture standard that offers a high-level […]

Woman Inside A Maze Tries To Find The Right Way

Benefits of Implementing TOGAF in Your Organization

Introduction: The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) is a widely recognized and comprehensive method for developing and managing enterprise architectures. Implementing TOGAF in your organization can bring many benefits, from better alignment of IT with business goals to improved architecture development. This blog explores the benefits of implementing TOGAF and how it can positively impact […]

Red high-speed train

All Aboard! Visualize Business Impact with the Enterprise Cloud Transit Map

Cloud modernization is the primary driver of digital transformation and impactful business value. Cloud platforms have evolved from core technology to disruptive ecosystems of strategic advantage.  Migration and modernization are vital to reach new markets, deliver innovative products, improve resiliency, reduce costs, and improve customer experiences.  But it’s easy (and common) to lose sight of […]

Online News On A Smartphone And Laptop, Woman Reading News Or Articles In A Mobile Phone Screen Application At Home. Newspaper And Portal On Internet.

Mobile Apps Accessibility Series: Readable Text and Adjustable Fonts – 4

In our ongoing exploration of mobile app accessibility, we arrive at a crucial aspect: readable text and adjustable fonts. In this fourth installment of our series, we’ll delve into why text readability matters and how adjustable fonts can significantly enhance the accessibility of your app. Let’s dive in! Importance of Readable Text Text is the […]

Sling Mappings++ Large Lists and Mapping Arrays

As all AEM Developers know, AEM, and more-so the underlying JCR, has limitations on how many children a single parent can have before we start to see performance issues.  First in the UI, and then more critically in the ability to look-up and manage content nodes themselves.  When designing for a net-new AEM website, this […]

Mobile Bu Pigeon Flutter

Make Your Flutter Apps Soar with Pigeon Platform Channels

Flutter is great framework for cross platform development. It allows you to make pixel perfect apps that are generated into native code, but what happens if you need to use existing code in iOS or Android directly? For situations like these, Flutter allows you to use platform channels. Platform channels give you access to platform-specific […]

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Navigating Snaplogic Integration: A Beginner’s Guide

As there is rapid growth in businesses going digital, the need to develop scalable and reliable functionalities to connect applications, Cloud environments, on-premises assets have grown. To resolve these complex scenarios, iPaaS seems to be a perfect solution. For example, if a developer needs to connect and transfer huge data from an e-commerce platform to […]

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