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Strategy and Transformation

Healthcare Worker Giving Support And Love To A Patient

Healthcare Patient Experience: Why Digital Can Only Take Your Healthcare Organization So Far

In the first blog article of this series, I wrote about my own recent healthcare journey. After undergoing life-saving lung surgery, there I was: in a hospital bed, grateful to be alive and recently off my ventilator — shades of the film “Alien” if you’ve never had the pleasure. And all I had on my […]

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[Podcast] What If You Could Meet Your (Clothes) Maker? An Interview with Shawn Reynolds.

In this episode, Kim talks with Shawn Reynolds, Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Vice President at AI software company Logility, about what it takes to have a modern supply chain operation and what the new customer-driven mandates are when it comes to supply chain transparency. Listen Now Subscribe Where You Listen Apple | Spotify | […]

Amazon Connect Health Check

Contact Centers are a critical component of every business as it is an entry point for its customers and a pivotal factor in creating a public image. Having a poor and frustrating customer experience can not only turn away existing customers but prevent future growth. The Amazon Connect Health Check can help with identifying subpar […]

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Ease Cloud Migration with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS [On-Demand Webinar]

As one of nine launch partners for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), Perficient developed a Kubernetes-based accelerator to take clients’ applications to production on OpenShift in just a few hours. In a recent webinar, our technology expert demonstrated the ins and outs of the accelerator and showed attendees: How to launch a ROSA […]

In The Hospital Sick Male Patient Sleeps On The Bed. Heart Rate Monitor Equipment Is On His Finger.

Decide Not to Die: What I Learned About Healthcare Strategy by Being a Patient

As healthcare strategists, the first thing we tell our clients is that all healthcare consumers are on a journey. The story goes something like this: they’re told they or a loved one has a condition, they research and learn more about it, and then they decide to reach out for help. It’s at that inflection […]

Perficient Interviewed for Forrester Report: Rethink Brand and Performance Marketing

Perficient Interviewed for Forrester Report: Rethink Brand And Performance Media

Today’s customer is unwilling to endure poor, disjointed experiences. As many as one-third of consumers will walk away from a brand after only one bad experience (PwC). To retain current customers and continue acquiring new ones, companies need to prioritize the customer’s needs and expectations. This reframing must extend across the organization, but one critical […]

Dog Loki

Priyal Patel Shares the Personal Joy that Comes From Hard Work, Recognition, and Career Mobility

At Perficient, you are part of something truly special – a fast-growing, global digital consultancy that challenges, champions, and celebrates our people. With teams spanning technologies and time zones, our expanding global business and inclusive culture promise to create opportunities to collaborate with the top talent in the world, while maintaining personal and collaborative relationships […]

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Modernizing Your Middleware with Red Hat

This is the fifth and final installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here, the second installment here, the third installment here, and the fourth installment here. Now that you’ve learned all about middleware and the most common use cases, it’s time to choose a technology partner and software to […]

Young Boy Dressed As Superhero At Beach During Sunset

Using a framework to reach your vision or goal

Using a framework to reach your vision or goal   The Ideal Consultant defined by the picture-frame strategy A common framework for achieving a goal or vision is the picture-frame.  In my first two blogs, we looked at two different examples of being an “Ideal” consultant.  How did I derive the baseline for what is […]

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[Podcast] What if Your Personal and Professional Brand Could be the Same? An Interview with Kelsey Flora.

In this episode, Kim talks with Kelsey Flora, former Director of Marketing and Engagement at National Geographic, about how to turn your biggest brand asset – your team members – into your biggest brand ambassadors by sharing work-related content on social media. Listen Now Subscribe Where You Listen Apple | Spotify | Amazon | Google […]

An Introduction to Salesforce B2B Commerce

While everyone knows that companies were moving at a rapid pace to enable commerce solutions in recent years, no one could have expected the dramatic impact the global pandemic has had on businesses in the last 18 months. Businesses were quickly forced to re-think priorities for online commerce and digital enablement and were required to pivot to new channels much faster than anticipated.    Manufacturers and […]

Observing India’s Ecommerce During My Visit Amidst COVID-19

Planning a trip to another country typically requires a checklist of items, such as having a working cell service to make local calls and cash on hand (in local currency). These tasks ensure we can be self-sufficient when doing things such as calling a cab, buying a snack, contacting family or friends, and more. This […]

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