While Microsoft had some out of this world updates including the Underwater Datacenter project data released. The project was a success with only 1/8th the issues of the equivalent land based datacenter. Many reasons why this project will continue from a sustainability and reliability perspective. The outerspace update took the events to even further […]
6 Key Topics About The Future of Business Analytics
The post-COVID world will undergo a massive digital disruption that will impact business processes. With so many people working from home, digitizing assets, moving to the cloud, and digital transformation (connecting people where they are using various channels) are becoming key priorities to companies entering a disruptive 2021. It is interesting to know that McKinsey […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Microsoft Teams Meetings
With 75 million actively daily users now leveraging Microsoft Teams for remote work, virtual learning and so much more, it’s time to ask if you’re getting the most out of Teams functionality. Here are five ways you can leverage existing Teams technology to improve your Teams Meetings experience: 1. Meeting Agenda The best meetings are […]
Microsoft Teams Updates (September 2020)
As the school year begins, many of you may find yourselves doing your learning remotely via Microsoft Teams. With that said, its always a good idea to keep up to date on the latest and greatest additions to Teams, so you can use Teams to its fullest potential. In today’s blog, we’ll be highlighting some […]
Four Microsoft 365 network connectivity principles you need to know!
If you’re thinking of going to the cloud, one of the first things you should be doing is looking at your network. After all, the corporate network is often the most massive bottleneck between you and the cloud. So what does your network infrastructure look like today? What should it look like if you’re going […]
Kari’s Law and RAY BAUM’S Act: Why you should care
If you’re part of an organization, there is a very good chance that you have some type of phone system that you use on a daily basis. However, you may not know that there are certain rules/regulations that must be accounted for so you can remain compliant with FCC regulations. Recently the FCC (Federal Communications […]
Teams Governance and Automation – Take A Teams First Approach
Teams governance can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing or new to Teams. I recently spoke at a webinar with Chris Barber in a webinar titled “Teams Governance & Automation.” We discussed the Teams platform and the teams application platform. Teams has arrived at a time where users are ready for a […]
On-Demand Recordings From Our Q3 Microsoft Teams Summit Now Available
As workers continue to remain remote, Microsoft Teams usage continues to grow. The reason for that is simple, with Teams being seen as potentially the ultimate application platform. For organizations that are new to Teams, though, there is a lot to know in order to get the most out of it. It isn’t just about […]
Learn How to Leverage Microsoft Teams Automation and Governance
While Microsoft Teams was already gaining steam as a way to allow workplaces to run effectively and efficiently, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically increased the urgency for Teams for many. The benefits are apparent – Teams can be seen as the ultimate application platform – but that doesn’t guarantee that you will automatically get the […]
What Has Helped Our Healthcare Clients Most Rapidly Respond to COVID-19
When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, the reality quickly became apparent that many healthcare organizations were ill-equipped to fight the COVID-19 battle. Healthcare has been stretched to new limits in inpatient volume, equipment shortages, and the sheer number of calls, emails, and inquiries coming from the patients/members, media, and government. So what has helped healthcare clients […]
New Teams Management Capabilities
Microsoft recently announced a plethora of new Teams management capabilities, all of which can be used today! These new management features and capabilities rolled out at the end of July and touch several different areas of Teams management. Today we’ll be summarizing all the latest and greatest enhancements so you as the IT administrator can […]