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Megan JensenPortfolio Specialist

Portfolio Specialist at Perficient. Sitecore Strategy MVP. Marketing Strategy enthusiast. Behavioral Economics nerd. Experience Design fan. SEO geek. Dataphile. Consultant, idea-haver, figure-outer of things.

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Blogs from this Author

MJ and Randy and Girls

7 Ways to Be a Better LGBTQ+ Ally at Work

This blog was written by both Megan Mueller Jensen and Randy Roosekrans, supporters and committee members of PRISM, Perficient’s Employee Resource Group for our LGBTQIA2S+ colleagues and allies. As cisgender straight people in a professional setting, we believe it’s our responsibility to do our best to support our LGBTQIA2S+ colleagues. We are longtime allies, advocates, […]

Mj And Dave O

5 Thoughts on SUGCON Europe 2024 in Dublin, Ireland

SUGCON (Sitecore User Group Conference) Europe 2024 was the second SUGCON I’ve attended, with the first just being six months ago in Minneapolis. There are few things that remind me how much I love my job more than being surrounded by the Sitecore Community. I’ve developed real friendships with folks from literally every corner of […]

Xm Cloud Screenshot

Personalization Capabilities of Sitecore XM Cloud

As organizations look toward their next Sitecore upgrade, many will be considering the implications of moving to XM Cloud. For their marketing teams, a big question is going to be how that will affect their personalization strategies. Will they have to invest in CDP and Personalize or will the embedded out of the box personalization […]

Xm Cloud Personalize

5 BIG Marketing Capabilities on Sitecore XM Cloud Your Team is going to Care About.

For the last couple of years, Sitecore XM Cloud has been looming over the horizon with the promise of faster deployments, better security, interoperability, scalability… but until Sitecore Symposium earlier this month, there was little to no information about what it actually offered marketers and strategists. Whether this was the result of poor messaging or […]

Mpls Boat Pic

The Power of Sitecore Specialization at Perficient – Our People

Every technology consultancy can boast essentially the same laundry list of go-to-market buzzwords. They all have certifications, MVPs, and partnerships of different varieties: Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, Uranium. Basically throw a dart at the Period Table of Elements and they have a partnership with somebody that aligns with it. And while the Sitecore group at […]

Photo of man in Japan using smart phone

How to Build a Global, Multilingual Website on Sitecore Composable DXP

As the digital world becomes both more global and more local, it’s more common for organizations have customers, offices, and partners in every corner of the world. This means we need to deliver relevant, useful, exceptional digital experiences to every user, no matter where they live or language they speak. Undertaking a global multilingual website […]

Cultural Considerations

Cultural Inclusion | How to Build a Global, Multilingual Website on Sitecore Composable DXP

The world and the digital experiences that connect us are more than words and images, zeroes and ones. They’re ideas. Values. Norms. Traditions. Expectations. And all of those have to be properly and appropriately represented by your team to your users. It only takes one jarring or culturally insensitive experience to give a customer the […]


Hacking Human Nature, Part 2: The Endowment Effect

Leveraging Behavioral Economics to boost performance and improve user experience. This is second in our series co-authored by me and Zach Gay exploring how understanding Behavioral Economics can- and should- inform your marketing strategies. The Endowment Effect is the theory that people place more value on objects merely because they own them. My most prized […]

Watercolor of human brain

Hacking Human Nature, Part 1: Social Proof Theory

Leveraging Behavioral Economics to improve performance and user experience. This is first in our series co-authored by myself and Zach Gay exploring how understanding Behavioral Economics can- and should- inform your marketing strategies. With each blog post we’ll dig into an individual theory and show how an understanding of these principals can help you develop […]

Forrester Now Tech: AI Consultancies Report

Hacking Human Nature: Behavioral Economics and Sitecore Strategy

Why Understanding and Accommodating Human Behavior Can Lead to Outstanding Digital Experiences When I first started working on website projects on the Sitecore platform, it felt like every other day I was discovering a new capability. I don’t know how many times in the first few months I thought to myself, “Cool! We can do […]


9 Low-Tech Ways to Prioritize Your Customer Before Your Brand

Priorities in business usually revolve around financials and forecasting, resources and revenue, team building and technology. It’s easy to become myopic and lose focus of the most important thing in the world: your customers. Refocusing your marketing strategy to revolve around your customer, instead of your organization’s own goals and products, is sometimes easier said […]