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Cassidy Rimmey

Cassidy Rimmey is a Marketing Coordinator in the healthcare industry at Perficient.

Blogs from this Author

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An Omnichannel Member Services Success Story: Improving Member Satisfaction

For healthcare payers, performance bonuses and analyst recommendations are dependent on external scoring by government agencies, regulators, and other third-parties. When our large Midwestern payer client’s customer satisfaction scores began to decrease due to unsatisfactory first-call resolution, inaccurate data, lack of omnichannel capabilities, and inaccurate billing information, the organization realized it needed a plan to […]


People of Perficient: Meet Rekha Bhardwaj, Lead Business Consultant

Rekha Bhardwaj is a lead business consultant at Perficient with a decade of experience in information technology. I recently sat down with her to learn more about a typical project in this role. I also learned what motivates her in her work. I loved hearing about how her team supports one another, and I’m sure […]


People of Perficient: Meet Sean Hunt, Senior Solutions Architect

I recently connected with one of our senior solutions architects, Sean Hunt, to discuss what it takes to exceed our healthcare clients’ expectations. We also discussed the things Sean values most about his role, his team, and his company. I loved hearing about how our people influenced Sean’s decision to choose a career at Perficient, […]

Peachtree 2

A User Enablement Success Story: Accelerating CTMS User Knowledge With Customized Training

Clinical trial success relies on a variety of factors, including a well-trained and enabled team on the study’s front lines. Clinical research organizations (CROs) leverage highly specialized systems that are often tailored to the organization. While general CTMS platform training can be helpful for these users, it often fails to consider the CROs specific workflows […]

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The 3 Health Equity Trends Analysts and Industry Experts Are Saying You Need to Know About

Healthcare organizations play a key role in offering access to care, employing, and motivating skilled workers, and acting as social safety nets in their communities. They, along with life sciences organizations, serve on the front lines of addressing health equity. The industry is quickly moving toward more accountability and prioritization of DE&I initiatives. Many health […]


People of Perficient: Meet Michael Adkins, Senior Content Strategist

After joining Perficient through acquisition in 2020, Michael Adkins, senior content strategist, has gained pride in his work, his team of collaborators, and his company. We recently connected to discuss the types of tasks he is responsible for in his role and what his typical day includes. We also discussed the many advantages of promoting […]

Shopping Cart Symbol Futuristic Sketch

AWS Cloud Solutions: Use Cases in Healthcare

Healthcare business teams are often forced to navigate multiple systems to find the data they are looking for. Once they track down that data – if they even have self-service access to it – questions of data integrity and reliability come into play. Organizations struggle to eliminate the data silos and unlock shared understandings and […]

Ruby Family

People of Perficient: Meet Ruby Lin, Senior Project Manager

I recently sat down with one of our senior project managers, Ruby Lin, to discuss the many facets of her role at Perficient. She told me about how she leads teams and facilitates collaboration. We also discussed how her voice and work are appreciated by her team. I loved learning what Ruby values most about […]

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A Brand Experience Success Story: Building a New Digital Experience

Consumers want and need a reliable digital experience from their healthcare providers. Siloed content and disparate websites can create confusion for patients at a time when clarity and peace of mind are needed most; this disconnect stands to erode confidence in a healthcare brand. Our clinical laboratory client needed to consolidate multiple sites that were […]

Going Over A Patients Records

Crawl, Walk, Run, Fly: Advancing Personalization in Healthcare

Context changes quickly in the digital world, which makes true optimization a continuous, automated process of testing and refining the ideal mix for each consumer in every context, adapting as new data arrives. You don’t have to jump into the deep end of personalization right away – nor should you. Instead, we recommend you first […]

Large Us Provider 1

A Telehealth Adoption Success Story: Supporting Nurses and Improving Resident Care

Nurse burnout from long hours and insufficient support, residents in need of care after-hours, and residents prone to hospital readmission – these are just a few of the challenges retirement housing organizations are facing today. The power of a fully implemented telehealth solution can lighten the load on providers facing challenges like these. Our large […]

Close Up Of Young Woman Getting Online Medical Help And Advice During Videocall With Doctor Checking Symtoms Aand Explaining The Drug's Reciepes

Ready, Set, Go! The 3 Steps to Personalization in Healthcare

When you deliver targeted content across all channels, you boost the loyalty and lifetime value of your consumers. After gathering essential data about your consumers and site visitors, it’s time to execute your personalization strategy. Step 1: Integrate Data Sources to Create a 360-Degree View Your healthcare audience may not understand how they receive personalized […]

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