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Posts Tagged ‘Azure’

Digital Screen With Cloud Computing And Abstract Glowing Circular Background. Security And Protection Data Cloud. Big Data Safe. Database Storage, 3d Render.

Getting Started with Azure DevOps Boards and Repos

The previous blog post explored the initial steps of setting up Azure DevOps, creating projects, and navigating the Overview section. Now, let’s delve deeper into the other core sections of the Azure DevOps interface, Boards, and Repos, each playing a crucial role in your development lifecycle. Read the first part of the blog here: A […]

Digital cloud linking on-premises to Azure VMware Solution

A Beginner’s Guide to Azure DevOps

Introduction Azure DevOps is a complete collection of tools and services that assist in the development, testing, and deployment of software applications. There is a list of services presented, which includes version control, agile planning, build automation, and release management all with integration on a single platform. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll take a look […]

Domo Certify

Azure SQL Server Performance Check Automation

On Operational projects that involves heavy data processing on a daily basis, there’s a need to monitor the DB performance. Over a period of time, the workload grows causing potential issues. While there are best practices to handle the processing by adopting DBA strategies (indexing, partitioning, collecting STATS, reorganizing tables/indexes, purging data, allocating bandwidth separately […]

Read Azure Eventhub data to DataFrame – Python

Reading Azure EventHub Data into DataFrame using Python in Databricks Azure EventHubs offer a powerful service for processing large amounts of data. In this guide, we’ll explore how to efficiently read data from Azure EventHub and convert it into a DataFrame using Python in Databricks. This walkthrough simplifies the interaction between Azure EventHubs and the […]


White Label Your Mobile Apps with Azure

Enterprises and organizations that manage products with overlapping feature sets often confront a unique challenge. Their core dilemma involves creating multiple branded mobile applications that share a common codebase while enabling each app to provide a distinct user experience with minimal development overhead. As a leader in custom mobile solutions, Perficient excels in white labeling […]

The Businesswoman In Glasses Standing Near The Display

How to use Azure Blob Data and Store it in Azure Cognitive Search along with Vectors

Introduction In the previous blog post, we showed you how to scrap a website, extract its content using Python, and store it in Azure Blob Storage. In this blog post, we will show you how to use the Azure Blob data and store it in Azure Cognitive Search (ACS) along with vectors. We will use […]

Magic Hand

Azure Key Vault: Understanding and Recovering Deleted Secrets

The inspiration behind authoring this article came from a recent incident where a colleague accidentally deleted important secrets from the Azure Key Vault and asked for my help in recovering them. In the spirit of sharing knowledge and assisting others who may find themselves in similar predicaments, I have decided to document the recovery process […]

Artificial Intelligence Concept Cpu Quantum Computing

Azure OpenAI and Its AI Services: A Comprehensive Overview Introduction

Introduction: The world is changing rapidly, and with it, there is an ever-increasing demand for intelligent and automated systems. Machine learning is a powerful tool that can help us create intelligent systems that learn and adapt to changing circumstances. Microsoft Azure OpenAI is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of machine learning tools […]

Futuristic Microchip And Digital Data Flowing.

Unleashing Creativity: A Step-by-Step Guide to Exploring Generative AI with Azure OpenAI Integration

Introduction Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI offers a variety of AI tools and services that make artificial intelligence available to a wider range of users. This article provides a step-by-step guide. How to create an Azure OpenAI service. Deploy a model. And use the playground for interactive testing and experimentation. The aim of this guide is to […]

cybersecurity concept Global network security technology, business people protect personal information. Encryption with a padlock icon on the virtual interface.

Innovative Technology for an Advanced Security Ecosystem: Challenges and Solutions

At the center of digital transformation, we face the exciting challenge of creating an ecosystem driven by high-performance, interconnected microservices developed in diverse languages such as Java, C#, JavaScript, and Python. At Perficient we extract the best of each language to shape an agile and efficient ecosystem.  Capturing data in real time: IoT and Priority […]

How AI Brought Me Back to My 101 Developer Skills and Fears, and How I Turned the Tide

Yes, the AI wave brought me back to a challenging period in my career. It took me back to my junior developer days when I did not know much about software architecture, best practices, or fixing performance issues. After approximately 7 or 8 years, that sense of uncertainty returned. I was unsure where to start, […]

Dealing with Wildcard SSL Certificates on Azure and Kubernetes - Let's Encrypt and Azure Front Door

Dealing with Wildcard SSL Certificates on Azure and Kubernetes

It is almost certain that any DevOps approaches the challenges of implementing SSL certificates at some time. Of course, there are free certificates, such as the well-known Lets Encrypt. As with any free solution, it has a number of limitations, all the restrictions are detailed on the certificate provider page for you to read. Some […]

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