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Posts Tagged ‘Search’

Site Search Is Important Too

Rick Bauer over on our Microsoft Blog had a good point to make regarding search.  Like him, I find that all too often, site search and search optimization come in dead last. It’s time to re-platform, upgrade or simply join the world of Customer Experience Platform site management. You hold internal meetings where rough budgets are […]


Indexing Patterns in Sitecore

Proper Search Index implementation is an essential part of development for the Sitecore platform. When you begin to work with indexes, you have to decide what index to use in your project and how store data in it. This article intends to show you possible options and give you tools to make educated decisions.

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Media Indexing Approaches

Sitecore has powerful search capabilities for those who are interested in runtime performance. Lucene is embedded by default with a standard set of indexes for all databases that is automatically refreshed upon change of content. LINQ-based queries allow you to easily retrieve documents and filter them. So, to make a website faster, it’s wise not […]

3 Predictions for the Future of Search and Knowledge Discovery

Warning: The future of search is going to get very personal. Hold on to your tin foil hats. Let’s begin with a brief history of the search and knowledge discovery field. Search + Analytics In 1997, Google launched the search engine.  4.3 seconds later, Google started looking at everyone’s search queries.  Just kidding.  Sort of. […]

Search Takeaways from ClickZ’s 2016 Digital Trends Report

ClickZ recently released its Digital Trends 2016 Report which gathers insights from various digital marketing experts and discusses the digital landscape and expectations for the upcoming year’s trends. While the report covers many different areas of digital marketing, here are the main takeaways from the search marketing section of the report. Audience Targeting Becoming More […]

What’s New in Search Solutions – People Search 2.0

For many years, People Search with the Google Search Appliance was essentially a glorified phonebook lookup.  Our customers could search for colleagues by name or title, and retrieve basic information like phone numbers or addresses.  Even the advent of ‘Expert Search’ did not tangibly change the situation — it just made the phonebook-style lookup easier […]

The One Statistic That Tells Us We Live In A Digital World

  Read this TechCrunch article. Make sure your company’s executives read it, too. According to Google, for the first time ever, more people are performing Google searches on their mobile phones than on their computers. If that doesn’t tell you the digital landscape has changed, I’m not sure what will make you believe it. 

Admit It, Finding The SME At Your Organization Ain’t Easy

  How many times have you searched your company’s Intranet portal, or even emailed, instant messaged, or called your colleagues in an effort to find the most suitable person to answer your questions? Maybe they’re in HR or Finance. Or, maybe they’re in Regulatory Affairs, Clinical Operations, or IT. Whatever the case, pinpointing that person […]

Search. Open. Close. Open. Close. Save Me, Google Search!

  If you look at the numbers, it’s evident that Google is the leader when it comes to web search. There’s no contest. So, it should be no surprise they also happen to be the champion of enterprise search, enabling companies to quickly and accurately scour their multitude of databases all at once across the […]

Sitecore 8 – Coveo Search

Written by Paul Plakut This is installment three of a multipart series on Sitecore 8 – A Modern Experience Manager. If you are wishing to start at the beginning of the series, please begin HERE. I left off with an explanation of FXM or Federated Experience Manager; a powerful way to extend Sitecore 8’s toolset […]

An Architectural Approach to Cognos TM1 Design

Overtime, I’ve written about keeping your TM1 model design “architecturally pure”. What this means is that you should strive to keep a models “areas of functionality” distinct within your design. Common Components I believe that all TM1 applications, for example, are made of only 4 distinct “areas of functionality”. They are absorption (of key information […]

A Practice Vision

Vision Most organizations today have had successes implementing technology and they are happy to tell you about it. From a tactical perspective, they understand how to install, configure and use whatever software you are interested in. They are “practitioners”. But, how may can bring a “strategic vision” to a project or to your organization in […]

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