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Posts Tagged ‘OCM’

Resources to Accelerate User Adoption of O365

Today’s post marks the beginning of the final section of this blog series dedicated to boosting adoption of Office 365 through organizational change management (OCM). The previous four posts set the stage for what we’re about to do, accelerating user readiness in the adoption of Office 365. To accelerate readiness for and adoption of O365, […]

A Proven Approach for Change and Adoption of Office 365

In my most recent blog post we discussed some scenarios expressing of the importance of organizational change management (OCM) in an Office 365 (O365) implementation. This post will focus on the approach for change and adoption of O365. An organization must be ready, willing and able for the change and adoption of Office 365. A […]

Change Management Lessons for Salesforce Financial Services Cloud

Bringing new technology to a team is always going to bring a set of challenges. As humans, we are creatures of habit, but we also have the ability to understand the logic behind adapting to the needs of the future.  When the Dark Cloud of Change is Already Looming For any business to succeed long-term, […]

Struggling with Salesforce Adoption? Here’s Why

Organizational Change Management (OCM) has a profound impact on the probability of staying on schedule and on budget, resulting in a higher benefit realization as well as greater ROI. The OCM advisory firm Prosci estimates that two-thirds of all enterprise-level projects fail to meet business objectives and ultimately bring little or no ROI due to […]

The Importance of OCM to an Office 365 Implementation

In my preceding blog post, we discussed some examples of increasing success and managing disruption with change management. Today, we’ll discuss the significance of organizational change management (OCM) to an effective Microsoft Office 365 (O365) implementation. Consider the implications that change management can have on implementing a solution like O365. O365 is a cloud-based subscription […]


Increase Success by Managing Disruption with Change Management

My previous post focused on the first stage in adopting O365 through change management. Today’s post puts the spotlight on increasing success and managing disruption. Did you know that projects backed with a successful change management program are six times more likely to be successful than those that don’t? Prosci first conducted this study several […]

Stay Connected with Perficient’s Salesforce Experts and News

Perficient is the preferred partner for brands thinking about implementing Salesforce for several reasons. We have an incredible wealth of knowledge, a passionately dedicated team, and the history and experience needed to be the true enterprise innovation leader. But keeping up with all the awesome things we’re doing can be hard! To make it easy, […]

A Primer on Organizational Change Management

There’s a lot to consider when implementing Microsoft Office 365 (O365) – be it one application or the entire suite. Often, the last thing organizations think about is the impact on the users. Yet they are your most valuable asset, and their adoption can drive true value and impact across the entire organization. The content […]

4 Ways to Start Building A Change-Ready Culture

Change management has long been a dark horse in the race for leaders looking to find the winning factors of organizational success. Putting people as a priority in organizations has been a concept that has found its way into the minds of many executives and leaders, but there is still a disconnect between what leaders […]

Meet Perficient’s Chief Strategists: David Chapman

Thrilling our clients with innovation and impact – it’s not just rhetoric. This belief is instrumental for our clients’ success. Earlier this year, we announced the first class of Chief Strategists, who provide vision and leadership to help our clients remain competitive. Get to know each of our strategists as they share unique insights on […]

You are a project stakeholder

Build a Perpetual Beta Mindset to Speed Organizational Change

Nearly every day, I can scan the headlines on my news feeds and read a report on the dramatic ways that artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we work. While the field of AI is wide and evolving, I like the definition given by Nils J. Nilsson, a founding AI researcher at Stanford University: Artificial intelligence is that activity devoted to making machines intelligent, and intelligence […]

cloud adoption

4 Steps to Effective Change Management Communications

I’m amazed at how often I get asked – and frankly argued with – about the amount of work that it takes to perform change management activities. After all, it’s not that hard to “send out a few emails,” right? Wrong. Sending out a few emails isn’t rocket science. But it’s also not as simple […]

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