I am excited to introduce the Application Indexing Protocol! AIP, for short, allows any application to proactively make itself indexable by a variety of third-party enterprise search engines. Unlike traditional connectors (created by search engine vendors or systems integration companies), application developers can now choose exactly what they want indexed and the best way to do it. Applications can choose […]
Posts Tagged ‘iOS’
Four different architectures for mobile App development
MVC MVC (Model-View-Controller) is one of the most common used structure for App development, extremely good for those apps that have a short life cycle. In MVC, Controller layer is the place for implementing an App’s mainly functions; the Model layer is for data related functions; while View layer is for the designs and UI […]
Oracle Visual Analyzer: Data Discovery for iOS and Android
One of the great features of the Oracle BI Cloud Service (BICS) is the included mobile functionality. Oracle has recently updated the iPhone and Android Oracle BI Mobile apps to support Visual Analyzer, a data discovery and visualization tool included in the Oracle BI Cloud Service (BICS). Visual Analyzer is a powerful, yet easy to […]
Ad Blocking Is Here to Stay, so Get Used to It
My spouse was pounding on her iPad last night in frustration – rather more frustration than typical with technology – because a news site she helps edit kept crashing the tablet’s web browser. After a few minutes of listening to her curse, I steeled myself against her wrath (which was causing our dogs to cower) […]
Office 365 – A Deeper Look at the Microsoft “Send” App
On Wednesday, Microsoft announced a new Office 365 mobile app called “Send“. The idea behind the app is to be able to send quick and simple messages to other users via email. The first question that came to mind was, “What problem is this app trying to solve?” My phone can already send emails, IMs […]
Liferay Announcements that give you a Mobile Jump Start
I am always intrigued by technology implementations that accelerate my ability to create robust solutions, especially when they are well architected, proven to scale, and economical. There are a couple of recent announcements from Liferay that I feel fit this description and are worth looking into: Liferay Screens 1.0 This exciting new offering further strengthens […]
The Connected Car Platform Conundrum
I recently completed some proof-of-concept work for a major automotive manufacturer and I have come to the realization that the automotive manufacturer’s approach to the concept of the “Connected Car Platform” is going to run into growing pains as the pace of mobile innovation continues unabated. One of first issues I ran into was that […]
Generate code coverage report for iOS apps in Jenkins server
Code coverage is a good method to describe the degree to which the source code of a project is tested and how well the project is tested. In iOS develop world, around 25% test code coverage is common required in business. Unfortunately, iOS native develop IDE (aka Xcode) hasn’t provided a default build-in code coverage […]
First iOS Apps from Apple-IBM venture
Around Q2 last year Apple and IBM announced their joint venture. At the time, I sw it as IBM ensuring everything works with iOS. CNET’s latest article highlights some of the first fruits and it’s a little different than expected. They focused on developing industry specific apps focused on productivity within the digital channel. I […]
CSS Pixel Ratio (or “How Big is My Phone?”)
When designing and developing a website for mobile devices, there are many things one needs to consider. Are you using a responsive or adaptive approach? What devices / browsers should be supported? What are the major breakpoints? When trying to answer these questions, we as designers and developers tend to focus on mobile device resolutions […]
New Power BI Features Released for Preview
The Microsoft Power BI blog announced last Thursday that new features were now in Preview, and I can tell you that this is news worth seeing. Among the highlights this preview includes are: Power BI Dashboards – This configuration of the base visual approach in Power View into a coherent Dashboard interface is a smart […]
Now You Can Buy Bus Tickets With An App
You can file this under slightly self-serving. Android Police has a short article on the Bolt Bus app (also available on iOS). It’s highly rated and fairly useful. Why self-serving you ask? Well, Perficient developed it for the client. My twin brother Tim Porter was the manager of that project. Customers can now get their […]