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Posts Tagged ‘Customer Service’

Meet Customer Care Expectations With Cloud

People have higher expectations than ever when it comes to customer care. With the development of technology and communications, customers are now seeking immediate gratification. The average customer believes immediacy and accuracy to be two of the important traits of customer service. The method of interaction is also important for consumers, which gives businesses something […]

Smiling Couple Using Tablet Computer In A Clothes Shop

Phygital – It’s More than a Buzzword

Two weeks ago I spoke at the annual SPECS Show. The retail-focused conference was centered on the physical aspects of running a retail business today, but there was also a dedicated track for discussions around digital trends. I gave a presentation on how digital and physical can meld, aka, PHYGITAL. Buzzwords aside, customer behavior trends […]


These 5 Stats Will Make You Revisit Your CX Strategy in 2019

Good news travels fast — but bad news travels faster With your business dependent on customer satisfaction, being able to service them regardless of their issue is what sets winning brands apart. On the flip side, when service is not up to par, damage to the brand can be significant. And businesses are paying attention. […]

Three Keys to Creating a Successful Support Team

When customers have a problem, call center agents are the front line of defense. In addition to using the right technology to enable them for success, make sure you have the right team to start with. Here are three ways you can create a successful support team that will service your customers with grace and […]

Refine Your Enterprise’s Approach to AI in 2019

2019 is the year to stop letting obstacles get in the way of enterprise AI adoption. Of course implementing AI tech comes with its challenges, but addressing two big obstacles may be the key to success.  According to our AI expert, practice director and chief strategist Christine Livingston, these obstacles are perception and data. And […]

6 Tips to Make Service Cloud Migrations Easier

In a crowded marketplace, business value is becoming more about offering a great customer experience throughout a customer lifetime as opposed to a one-off sale. How does your business measure up to today’s service challenges? In our guide, Salesforce Service Cloud Migrations Made Easy, we explore in detail what organizations need to take into consideration […]

IBM Watson Assistant for Customer Service Call Center

Transform Customer Service with Watson Assistant

Millennials have become the largest group of consumers in the United States. And organizations should take note. This shift has introduced the consumer market with a generation of people who are more digitally connected and more demanding than ever. Consumers expect an unprecedented level of 24x7x365 customer service and many enterprises are failing to meet […]

Mobile Sales Enablement

Our Tested Framework for Customer Service Community Success

Self-Service Communities Used for Customer Service On the Rise Trends show that customers prefer self-service communities when it comes to accessing support. Customers demand fast service anywhere, anytime. Today, customers have more choice: more products to buy, more information to influence purchasing decisions, and more devices and channels over which to seek customer service. What […]

How to Create a Salesforce Community Brand Kit 

The Key to Brand Success Your brand is the defined version of your customer experience. Physically, it’s how your customers identify you. Emotionally, it’s how they connect with you. But good brands don’t just happen, they are created. It is imperative for businesses to be aware of the brand experience they desire customers to have and […]

Cognitive virtual agent improves customer service satisfaction

Hang Up on IVR and Switch to a Cognitive Virtual Agent

If your call center is still relying on an interactive voice response (IVR) system, then you may not be delivering the customer service your consumers expect (Millennials in particular). Customers are becoming more digitally connected than ever. And with this hyper-connectivity comes their demand for unprecedented levels of 24x7x365 customer service. Customers want to engage […]

Customer Service Through Self-Service: Your My Account Experience

You may have a different name for it, but your My Account experience is the self-service avenue you provide customers to manage their relationship with your brand before, during, and after the purchase process. This includes elements such as their shopping cart, wishlist, payment and shipping information, order history, loyalty program membership, preferred brick-and-mortar store, […]

How AI, IoT, and Smart Technologies Impact Digital Transformation

Digital innovation continues to disrupt industries at lightning speed. Today’s organizations are transforming their entire business – from strategy to operations, technology to culture – to better deliver value to their customers. In 2017, we compiled the top 10 trends leaders needed to know when it came to their digital transformation journey. In this 10-week […]

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