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Posts Tagged ‘Adobe Experience Manager’


Perficient Digital to Present Alongside Adobe at #HLTH2019

On Tuesday, October 29, at HLTH, I’ll be leading a workshop in Adobe’s booth on Delivering Omnichannel Experiences in Healthcare. I’ll show how healthcare providers and payers are converting prospects to patients and members using voice assistants with Adobe Experience Cloud.

AI adoption allows employees and AI to co-exist

Perficient and Symantec Empower Customers with AI

Perficient Digital and Symantec have created an AI-enabled self-service cybersecurity support agent called ‘Sami.’ We are excited to announce that the new platform reduces phone channel use, case abandonment, and improves knowledge of customer behavior.  [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“When it comes to user-centered design, there is a strong push toward real […] Resizeimage 1 Min (1)

AEM: Fixing RTE Source Edit Plugin Error While Submitting RTE Dialog

While working on Rich Text Editor on AEM 6.5, I found a bug related to source edit plugin. When the source edit plug is active in inline mode, it won’t let you submit the dialog. However, an error message also doesn’t get displayed properly, and the author will not be able to identify the reason […] Resizeimage (2)

Revealing Hidden Oak Nodes / Properties

Did you know there are properties you can’t see in your Apache Sling / Adobe Experience Manager repository? Jackrabbit OAK includes the concept of hidden nodes and properties. Hidden nodes and properties are prefixed with a colon and are not visible to consuming applications. Examples include :nestedCugs and :topCugCnt which are used to store the […] Resizeimage 7

How Smart Content Meets Smart Systems

Your customer is as unique as your business. As such, curating unique content for each person and each of their preferred experiences can be a real struggle. This is especially true considering the potentially hundreds of digital assets you have to sift through. You need a content management system that is on the same level […]

Lee Campbell 6njoebtarec Unsplash

Creating Your First Custom AEM Component Using React

Recently, I went through an article about integrating React JS and Angular JS with AEM. In this blog, I am going to show you how to create a custom component that includes a cq:dialog and one that does not include a cq:dialog. Before building the components, clone the repository, which is a sample project based […] Resizeimage (3)

Dynamic Dropdowns in AEM Content Fragments

In this post, I’ll show you how to easily and cleanly create a dynamic dropdown in an AEM Content Fragment Model driven by an ACS AEM Commons Generic List. What are Content Fragments? But first, what are Content Fragments? Content Fragments are a powerful feature in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for managing structure content. Each Content […]

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Perficient Earns Fifth Adobe Specialization: AEM – Run & Operate

Last week, Perficient was announced as the first Adobe partner globally to achieve the Marketo Engage Specialization as part of the Adobe Solution Partner Program. Today, we’re sharing more exciting news. We’ve achieved our Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) – Run & Operate Specialization. Most Specialized Adobe Partner in Region With existing specializations in Adobe Analytics, […] Resizeimage (4)

I’m sorry, but you have a case of… WordPress

Have you ever found out you owned a website you never knew about? Do you regularly get emails with “comments” about certain types of enhancement and EXPERT SEO SERVICES!!!? Does your ITSec know the website you’re calling about before you tell them it’s compromised? If so, you may have a case of WordPress. WordPress is […]

Attack Of The Linkchecker Cropped

Attack of the AEM Link Checker!!

Nearly every user of Adobe Experience Manager underestimates the AEM Link Checker. Most people think of the AEM Link Checker as that annoying feature that incorrectly strips links in AEM. But, it can do far more. Not only will the AEM Link Checker remove links and incorrectly flag links as broken, but it can also […]

Specialization trophies

Perficient Digital Wins Gold dotCOMM Award for Cyber Security Site

Perficient Digital prides itself on producing exceptional work that transforms clients’ digital platforms. Together with a leading cybersecurity company, Symantec, we worked on the design and development of which earned a gold dotCOMM award. Our submission included in-depth content and design strategy, along with consultation from our artificial intelligence (AI) team. As Symantec’s award-winning […]

Where’s the Workflow??

Workflows are some of the most powerful tools in the toolbox of any AEM developer, however, due to some questionable UI choices in the TouchUI, they are somewhat buried. To understand why, let’s take a look at the process for starting a workflow from the AEM Assets console: Image credit Ahmed Musallam Which of course […]

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