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Digital Transformation

Graphic Designers At Work.

5 Implementation Patterns for ServiceNow GRC – Policy and Compliance

You can read Liyu You’s first blog about ServiceNow GRC, here.   The ServiceNow Policy and Compliance Management provide a centralized process for creating and managing internal policies and controls that are mapped to external regulations, standards, and frameworks. For governance, it includes personas, roles, rights, and responsibilities. There are many regulations, standards, and frameworks […]

Long exposure night photo of the silhouette of a person on a hill with the stars in the sky tracking as radial lines around the North Star. Symbolizing goal setting.

North Star Goal Setting

Goal Setting Options Abound There are many ways that businesses set goals, choose priorities, and ensure that their teams are rowing in the same direction. You’ve probably created SMART goals, been asked to use OKRs, watched KPIs, laid out Vision Boards, or updated Kanban Boards. These are all great tools to help keep team alignment. […]

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You’re Ready for Change. Is Your Organization?

We’ve seen the headlines. We’ve read the articles. Technology transformations are here and appear to be never ending. As a matter of fact, they are accelerating. Organizations are prioritizing their technology initiatives and increasing their IT budgets; yet the majority (about 70%) of these initiatives do not reach their goals. Perhaps because technological change is […]

OneStream: A Simple Guide to Building Reports and Dashboards Part 3 of 3

For those unfamiliar with OneStream’s reporting capabilities, the two most often used ways to view data in a user-friendly manner are Cube Views and Dashboards. This will be a three-part series that shows how you can create a simple Cube View, Dashboard and how to make them dynamic.   Part 1 – How to Build […]

Xm Cloud Personalize

5 BIG Marketing Capabilities on Sitecore XM Cloud Your Team is going to Care About.

For the last couple of years, Sitecore XM Cloud has been looming over the horizon with the promise of faster deployments, better security, interoperability, scalability… but until Sitecore Symposium earlier this month, there was little to no information about what it actually offered marketers and strategists. Whether this was the result of poor messaging or […]

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OneStream: A Simple Guide to Building Reports and Dashboards Part 2 of 3

For those unfamiliar with OneStream’s reporting capabilities, the two most often used ways to view data in a user-friendly manner are Cube Views and Dashboards. This will be a three-part series that shows how you can create a simple Cube View, Dashboard and how to make them dynamic.   Part 1 – How to Build […]

Robotic Process Automation

OneStream: A Simple Guide to Building Reports and Dashboards Part 1 of 3

For those unfamiliar with OneStream’s reporting capabilities, the two most often used ways to view data in a user-friendly manner are Cube Views and Dashboards. This will be a three-part series that shows how you can create a simple Cube View, Dashboard and how to make them dynamic.   Part 1 – How to Build […]

Software Engineers Working On Project And Programming In Company

Getting Started with ServiceNow – Performance Analytics

Why Performance Analytics? It is crucial for an organization to have reliable and efficient services.  However, such services are not always easy to use and may not have the visibility, alignment, and reporting that you are looking for. With the help of ServiceNow’s performance analytics, you can quickly and effectively make decisions with pre-built KPIs […]

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Reduce IT Cost and Risk Using ServiceNow – Technology Portfolio Management

As organizations continue using technology building blocks from different vendors, it becomes quite tedious to manage and keep track of various technologies. If technologies are not updated periodically, and timely with different versions/models, they eventually turn into a liability to key business functions and products. The underlying technologies of the business applications used in your […]

Business Benefits and Adoption of ServiceNow GRC

What is GRC? GRC is an acronym for Governance, Risk, and Compliance. Per ServiceNow’s definitions, Governance: The frameworks of an organization’s activities and whether they are aligned with business objectives. Activities include processes, structures, and policies that are meant to manage and monitor company activities. Risk: A sustained process of addressing risks, mitigating risks through […]

Photo: Woman is planning with post-it notes and markings at a whiteboard.

Do it on Purpose: Intentionality

Have you ever said, “We should do this,” …and then you don’t? That is a lack of intentionality. Being Intentional Comes Easy to Some, Hard for Others The differences in people are beautiful – life would be boring otherwise. If you’ve read results from a personality test, you know each personality has its benefits (things […]

How natural language search helps deliver personalization

Natural Language Search. Is It The Future?

What do your customers crave from your brand? It’s simple – Personalization. The Next in Personalization 2021 Report from McKinsey reveals that personalization matters more now than ever with 71% of consumers expecting companies to deliver personalized experiences. One way you can demonstrate customer intimacy and personalization is with search. And not just your average […]

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