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Posts Tagged ‘Training’

How Bilahari Appukuttan Nair Enhances Perficient’s Data Integrity and Security Measures

Our colleagues at Perficient are incredibly talented, compassionate, and committed to accelerating innovation and making meaningful connections around the world. We recently sat down with Bilahari (Hari) Appukuttan Nair, HCM manager, to discover how he utilizes his Human Resources expertise to drive growth for Perficient and our global teams.   Located in Bangalore, India, Hari […]

Healthcare Writing Training: 5 Ways Your Content Team Can Benefit

It can seem like training is never-ending in the corporate setting — particularly in the healthcare industry. You’ve got compliance training, processes training, training from corporate leadership, onboarding training for new team members and more. But there’s one more type of training your healthcare content strategists and marketers need that you’re (probably) not doing: healthcare […]

Agile Sitecore Training – Part 2 of 3 

Agile Sitecore Training – Part 2 of 3  Introduction This post is the second in a series discussing applying agile practices to training for Sitecore products. In the first post, I covered applying “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools” to training. In this post, I will look at “Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation”. Over […]

Agile Sitecore Training – Part 1 of 3 

Agile Sitecore Training – Part 1 of 3  Introduction This post is the first in a series discussing applying agile practices to training for Sitecore products.  Over the past few years, I have been uncovering different ways to deliver training. To help people retain what is taught, I want to deliver in a way that […]

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OneStream Hands-On Workshop Earns High Marks

We are so excited to have partnered with OneStream for our first in-person workshop ‘Drive Better Business Decisions Through FP&A’, on December 15th. Led by a certified OneStream instructor, attendees gained valuable insight into a market leading, corporate performance management platform through hands-on learning. Attending a webinar or watching a demo can’t compare to navigating […]

Employee Experience Bridge The Hybrid Paradox

Can Change Management Help Solve the “Hybrid Paradox” Amid the “Great Reshuffle?”

We are all witnesses and participants in the English expression: “May you live in interesting times.” Eighteen months ago, who could have anticipated the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought an immediate shift for many people to work remotely. During this time, organizations hired many people who had not yet stepped into the office […]

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Perficient’s Campus Program Provides Connection, Community, and Career Opportunity for New Grads

From dorms to desks, new grads who begin their career at Perficient waste no time getting up to speed with the help of our Campus Program, a transitional onboarding experience designed to accelerate their readiness and prepare them for successful client deployments. New Grads Hit the Ground Running for Perficient “One of our keys to […]

Agile Community Event

Perficient’s Agile Community Serves Colleagues of All Backgrounds

When you work at Perficient, you’re never “in it alone.” We pride ourselves on having a collaborative, supportive environment dedicated to fostering both career and personal growth. Perficient’s Agile Community is one of the latest ways colleagues can connect with each other, breaking down walls and collaborating globally in a whole new way. “It makes […]

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VIDEO: Sitecore Content Hub DAM Admin Training

Since Sitecore Content Hub emerged, a lot of content marketers, including myself, wanted to learn more about the new addition to the Sitecore family. The combination of Digital Asset Management (DAM), Product Content Management (PCM), Content Marketing Platform (CMP) and Marketing Resource Management (MRM) tools certainly sounds like a great source of truth. One that […]

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OneStream is offering a 50% discount in June for virtual public training courses

In January 2019, Perficient delivered our first OneStream Application Build for Administrators course. Since then, countless students have trained at our facility in Houston, TX featuring state of the art student personal computers with dual monitors, USB charging outlets and HD projection screens. If you’ve ever considered taking this OneStream course, but couldn’t find the […]

Open UI

Perficient’s Minneapolis Office Adds Red Hat Exam Center

Our Minneapolis, Minnesota office is now an official Red Hat exam center. The exam center is open to the public and provides a secure, classroom environment for developers that need to take any Red Hat exam or certification, including those for Ansible, JBoss, Linux, and OpenShift. There is no additional cost for utilizing the exam […]

Partner Red Hat Circle

Perficient’s Livonia Office is Now a Red Hat Exam Center

Our Livonia, Michigan office is now an official Red Hat exam center. The exam center is open to the public. It provides a secure, classroom environment for developers that need to take any Red Hat exam or certification, including those for Ansible, JBoss, Linux, and OpenShift. There is no additional cost for utilizing the exam […]

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