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Posts Tagged ‘REST’


API’d Like to Talk to You: A Dive into the OpenAI Assistant API

Recently, I’ve had time to sit down and wade into the my own little area of the digital Wild West, that being AI integration. With the explosion of AI, I wanted to give my apps the ability to tap into that vast potential.    While it seems like every tech giant, startup, and their mother […]


GraphQL: not an ideal one!

You’ll find plenty of articles about how amazing GraphQL is (including mine), but after some time of using it, I’ve got some considerations with the technology and want to share some bitter thoughts about it. History of GraphQL How did it all start? The best way to answer this question is to go back to […]

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Replacing Postman with the REST Client Visual Studio Code Extension

I (somehow) only recently discovered and began using the REST Client Visual Studio code extension created by Huachao Mao (GitHub: It’s essentially an in-editor, Markdown-like HTTP request authoring and execution tool that allows developers to build a request (or multiple requests) in .http and/or .rest files. Think of it as a more Spartan, utilitarian […]

change management

Migrating REST API from IBM Integration Bus to Spring Boot

In this blog post, we will learn how to Migrate IIB REST application to Spring Boot. The topics covered in this use case include: Create SpringBoot Project Creating Model class from Swagger Pom File Define Database Configuration Entity Class JPA Data Repository Rest Controller Service Class Build and Run the Project. Create Spring Boot Project […]

MuleSoft 101: 5 Resources That Demystify Mule API Versions

When Salesforce acquired MuleSoft earlier in 2018, the Perficient team couldn’t help but smile. We not only have an expert Salesforce team, but also a dedicated API practice that specializes in MuleSoft that we’ve brought in for work with clients like this major leading beverage company, OneAmerica, and Ameren. Here are a few key articles […]

Validating JSON Message in IIB

Overview This blog helps to understand JSON parser in IIB and how to validate the incoming JSON message. What is JSON? JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight plain text format used for data interchange. It’s a collection of Name-Value pair. How IIB parses the JSON message? In IIB JSON message realized as Object (Name-Value pair) […]

Using MuleSoft for File Transfer from Message Queue to Target Directories on Local/Remote Machines

This is a high-level technical walk-through on how we can leverage the out-of-box connectors to write a logic for file transfer using Java messaging Service. Assumption: -Developer knows basic coding techniques in MuleSoft workspace – Developer knows about JMS and the queues/ topics messaging model 1. Pre-Config Requirements: a. Make sure to have java version […]

Missed Oracle OpenWorld? Great Content Now On-Demand

Oracle shared an incredible amount of rich content during the show, but don’t worry if you weren’t able to make it, you can view all the OpenWorld keynotes on-demand. There were more than 1800 sessions available to attend and although not every session was recorded, there are some great general sessions worth checking out featuring […]

Deploying REST Based Web Services with SQL Developer

Last week at Oracle OpenWorld, I happened across a demo station related to Oracle REST Data Services.  While I have used Oracle Application Express (APEX) and its implementation of Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) previously to deploy REST based web services, this demo intrigued me since it was utilizing SQL Developer (version 4.1+) to do the […]

How Restful Is Your API?

The Richardson’s Maturity Model (RMM) was developed by Leonard Richardson. It classifies REST-based Web services and REST principles they should depend on.   Level 0 – Services under this category use http as a transport mechanism against single URI. Typically, HTTP POST is used to make service calls. For e.g. SOAP or old XML-RPC Level […]

Under the Hood With “The Future of SharePoint”

It has been about a week since Microsoft unveiled “The Future of SharePoint” at this event here (note: you have to provide your e-mail and some other info to get access to all the content). The keynote has kind of a general overview of all of the new directions that the SharePoint team is heading […]

Mobile Backend-as-a-Service Using Web APIs

Mobility is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have in order to connect to customers. Mobile applications and the cloud continue to drive requirements for backend services. But according to surveys, 70% to 80 % of the time spent in mobile “app” development is building the backend services. These backend services are necessary to build […]

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