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Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Accelerate business innovation with application modernization.

Benefits of Application Modernization: Accelerate Innovation

Whether you’re building new apps or modernizing legacy ones, cloud provides the agility and scalability your business needs to deploy faster and access advanced IT capabilities. When businesses modernize applications, it drives new processes and the necessary infrastructure that supports them. Application modernization enables you to optimize data, accelerate business innovation, and deliver exceptional customer […]

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Delivering a Better Buying Journey as a Distributor

Distributors sit between their customers and the manufacturers they work with, and creating an excellent journey for both sides can be complex. Additionally, as more manufacturers make the shift to selling directly to the end customer, it’s important for distributors to remain a valuable asset for both parties and use their position as the middleman […]

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Building a Better Buyer Journey in Manufacturing

The B2B buying journey is more complicated than the B2C buying journey; there are more decision makers involved, and the entire process is less linear. Nevertheless, buyers have come to expect the same elevated experiences in their B2B buying journey as they do in their B2C experience. So how can you as a manufacturer continue […]

Portrait Of Young Students With Vr Goggles In A Library.

Perficient Digital Labs Combines Virtual Reality with… Reality

Always at the forefront of agile and innovative technology and design, our Perficient Digital Labs team recently set its sights on the following question: What if you could share a VR experience with someone without actually being in VR yourself? The team wanted to expand the typically solitary VR experience to include players and components […]

We Are in the Age of Voice Assistance. Here’s Why.

As people become more comfortable interacting with voice devices and assistants, marketers are faced with learning how this trend will impact marketing efforts. Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they share three actions digital marketers should be […]

Perficient Grows with Innovation

Our Perficient colleagues share how they live and breathe our core values. Here, Kelley Farrell, Associate Marketing Manager, writes about how innovation inspires and leads to growth. Innovation is the product of a thought or an idea that ignites inspiration. It makes you think outside the box. While each of our values stands for something […] Resizeimage (1)

On-Page and Off-Page SEO Creates Success. Here’s Why.

There are several fundamental aspects of SEO success that have remained consistent in a constantly evolving field. Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they share a case study that demonstrates how the fundamentals of SEO have paid […]

Two Businesswoman Waiting For The Transport

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Consumerization

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. As consumers, we appreciate how breakthroughs like smartphones, global positioning systems (GPS), genetic […] Resizeimage 29

You Should Be Building Content Marketing Bridges. Here’s Why.

Developing brand content that is effective to drive business is a delicate balance. It needs to create a connection between your brand purpose and the desires of prospective customers. More often than not, content tends to focus more heavily on one than the other, and as a result, doesn’t effectively drive conversions. Check out our […] Resizeimage 10

Bing is Innovating as a Search Engine. Here’s Why.

When you think about search engines, Google tends to be top-of-mind. But competition is one of the key drivers of innovation. Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they explore areas where Bing is pursuing new innovation. Competition drives […] Resizeimage 1

Search Ranking Studies Need Better Interpretation. Here’s Why.

Do search ranking factor studies have any real value? SEO experts have become doubtful. Check out our recent video from Eric Enge and Mark Traphagen, who joined Perficient Digital through our acquisition of digital consultancy Stone Temple, where they explain why rank factor studies provide inherent value to those who are willing to dig deeper into […]

The Evolution of UX and CX: Creating the Human Experience

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a human being. You’re always human; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is an indisputable fact. So why don’t companies market to you in a human way? Marketing to people as customers and users can be effective, but remembering that people […]

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