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Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

Getting to What Matters Most with Now/New/Next

The last best experience. It may seem unfair or counterintuitive to compare your organization’s customer experience to others outside your industry, but your customers are doing it every time they interact with you. They are holding you accountable to your promises but they are also passing judgment against the expectations set from experiences they have […]

The Overall Benefits of Cloud Adoption

The following is the tenth blog in a series about why businesses are moving to the cloud to modernize and improve business performance. In this series, we have highlighted the major benefits the cloud brings, including in areas such as innovation, security, and disaster recovery, among others. In this blog, we’re going to summarize those […]


Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Cloud Computing

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Throughout this series, we’ve focused on several principles, strategies, and technological elements we […]

How Cloud Brings Improved Security

The following is the sixth blog in a series about why businesses are moving to the cloud to modernize and improve business performance. Cloud’s capabilities are far reaching and impact the whole business. While many have heard of the speed and agility that cloud enables and the innovation that allows, cloud’s capabilities go beyond that. […]

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Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Lean Transformation

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Earlier in this series, we revealed the importance of organizational alignment for your […]

5 Ways to Drive Customer Centricity: Advice for the CIO

Who do you consult when Outlook isn’t working? What about when issues arise with your messaging platforms? Or, worse yet – when your customer experience platforms aren’t working properly? You likely answered “IT” when thinking about these situations. For years, businesses have charged IT with providing stability, consistency, and reliability. However, keeping the lights on […]

Reach Your Market at the Speed of Cloud

The following is the fourth blog in a series about why businesses are moving to the cloud to modernize and improve business performance. So far in this series, we have examined the state of cloud and how cloud enables innovation, including a case study. In this blog, we’ll look at the benefits of cloud that […]


Perficient Hits the Streets with New Wearable Prototype

The number of wearable users in the US is predicted to reach predicted to reach 67 million, more than 25% of the adult population, by 2022. Wearable technology is expanding beyond the realm of fitness trackers and smartwatches, creating new opportunities for brands to reach their customers and improve day-to-day tasks. To stay on top […]

Driving Innovation with Automation in the Cloud

The following is the third blog in a series about why businesses are moving to the cloud to modernize and improve business performance. In our first blog in this series, we looked at the current state of cloud, while the second blog highlighted how cloud enables innovation. In this blog, we will showcase how cloud […]

Specialization trophies

Perficient Digital Wins Gold dotCOMM Award for Cyber Security Site

Perficient Digital prides itself on producing exceptional work that transforms clients’ digital platforms. Together with a leading cybersecurity company, Symantec, we worked on the design and development of which earned a gold dotCOMM award. Our submission included in-depth content and design strategy, along with consultation from our artificial intelligence (AI) team. As Symantec’s award-winning […]

Emerging Business Models

Essentials for Your Digital Strategy: Emerging Business Models

Delivering seamless, consistent, and engaging experiences starts with a customer-centered digital strategy. This ongoing series explores the characteristics that make up a great digital strategy and how to deliver powerful brand moments that solidify customer loyalty and drive differentiation for your organization. Innovation is not just about technology As we work with clients, we find […]


Video: Custom Commerce Capabilities with a Product Configurator

Businesses with highly-customizable products typically have an ordering process that takes place offline, leading to a long sales cycle. In addition, many consumers want to visualize their custom product before placing an order. That’s why we worked with our client Loom Décor, an eCommerce business in the interior design industry that delivers custom home furnishings […]

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