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Patient's Guide to Healthcare Journey Maps

Cloud Migration Considerations in Healthcare

In my previous blogs I discussed a variety of non-traditional technology delivery methods including outsourcing and utilization of cloud-based service offerings. My last blog focused on the cloud and that, while healthcare is historically slower than most industries to implement newer technical trends, cloud services in one form or another are used by most providers […]


Mastering Customer-Patient Experiences Across Healthcare Websites

Adopting customer-patient centricity across your digital platforms can take shape in various forms and it’s essential to achieve in today’s world, but yet many healthcare provider websites are still organization-centric. Making the shift can be hard on knowing where to begin and the blue-sky approach of keeping the customer-patient individual at the forefront through a […]

Robotics in Healthcare – Beam Me Up or Be Gone?

When you hear the word “robot” like most, you probably begin thinking of a fictional, sci-fi movie – Star Wars; Short Circuit; I, Robot, etc., rarely would you think healthcare. Given the recent uptick in the use of robotics within the health sector, this could soon change. Robotics is not a foreign concept to the […]

6 Best Practices for Your CECL Response Program

Understanding the new current expected credit loss (CECL) regulation, how it impacts an organization, and how to go about implementing and managing a response program will be critical for firms carrying financial assets covered by the accounting standard update. Companies will need to understand the history and lifecycle of their data and processes, and engage […]

Web API Using Azure

How Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fits Into the Big Data Story

Business intelligence, artificial intelligence, intelligent cloud, intelligent edge, big data…the buzzwords are all around. There is a fundamental shift in the way companies are doing business. Many are beginning to leverage their data in new and innovative ways. They are leveraging their data to make critical business decisions, identify revenue growth opportunities and improve customer […]

Using PostgreSQL to Massage Data for Siebel EIM

Recently, I had a Siebel Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) client requirement to load data into the database, clearly the purview of Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM). The client sent me the data in a spreadsheet, and it looked something like this: Site_Number Contact_ID Role 800,1,300,500 1-2ASW Pharmacist 6,7,2 1-4RSW Doctor 1,2,4,6,7,8 1-5E33 Lead CRA […]

Data Quality Improvement is Key to Successful Data Governance

The goal of any data quality program is to improve quality of data at the source. Once a financial institution’s data lineage capabilities are in place, a key starting point for data quality initiatives is the confirmation of critical data attributes for each major business line and functional area. The data quality program should define […]

Implementing a CECL Response Program

Organizations will need to modify or redesign their loss reserve processes and systems based on the new CECL standard in light of the substantive changes in methodology. As CECL requires a forecast of loan losses over the life of the instrument, both at the time of origination as well as the revaluation on an ongoing […]

Financial Statements and Disclosures under CECL

Entities must first include the new CECL disclosures in their financial statements and regulatory reports (e.g., the quarterly call report), commencing with the aforementioned effective dates. There is no separate filing requirement for CECL. The structure and granularity of an entity’s income statement and balance sheet does not to change, as the details of the […]

What Remote Sellers Should Know About South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.

Editor’s Note: This guest blog post comes courtesy of Gail Cole with Avalara. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. is a game changer for online sellers and other businesses that sell across state lines. A state can only tax a business that has nexus, a significant connection to the state. For decades, nexus […]

Augmented reality app that allows user to use tablet to see KPIs

Establish Formal Data Contracts Between Data Owners and Consumers

A final capability that is emerging is the establishment of formal data contracts between data owners and data consumers and integrates each of the key capabilities described in our previous blogs. A data contract is an agreement that specifies data owner accountability regarding data delivery acceptability levels, as well as the consequences and expectations for […]

cloud adoption

Old Problem – New Context – Business to IT Translation

In today’s world  of “Cloud Everything” using “Hyper Everything” we still see an old problem creating challenges. Most IT organizations are still struggling to translate business requirements into technology requirements. Cloud has allowed us to simply accelerate the process of seeing the disconnect. I had the opportunity to hear about this experience from one of […]

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