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Application security assessment

How To Use The AWS API With S3 Buckets In Your Pen Test

Pen testers often need to stage payloads and other tools on servers outside of their own infrastructure.  In this post I’ll show you how to use the Amazon AWS command line interface (CLI) to dynamically create and manage S3 buckets that you can use in your own pen tests.  I’ll also show you how to […]

Team Of Engineers Having Discussion At Desk

B2B Digital Transformation: Assessing IT and Technology

Rather than begin a digital transformation journey with technology (as many organizations tend to do), you must begin by setting objectives, evaluating your market, and determining where you fit. Only then can you begin to assess internal capabilities and begin selecting the technology to support new initiatives. IT and Technology New technology deployments require a […]

Site Construction In The City With Workers Working In Sunrise

B2B Digital Transformation: Determine Where You Fit

When organizations begin a digital transformation and eCommerce journey, they often focus solely on technology. In reality, there are business decisions to be made and opportunities to explore before technology even comes into play. After you’ve set your objectives and evaluated your market, you’re ready to find where you fit in the market. Explore opportunities […]

Designing the Business Process Model to Implement Strategy

This is part 2 of a 5 part blog series on defining an operating model for your organization.     In this post, we explore Step 2: Establishing the Business Process Model A number of industries are currently facing disruption and change. In addition, the daily grind of running the business can knock us around a bit […]

Does Digital Transformation Really Drive Customer Loyalty?

Every company wants to create “lifetime” customers, which is the very essence of customer loyalty. Likewise, everyone has opinions on how to create customer loyalty. Including delivering a great customer experience, building a great digital experience, maintaining a loyalty program, providing comprehensive digital self service, and on and on. When you hear about a digital […]

Disaster Recovery – A Thing of the Past For Cloud-Based Companies

I was having a conversation with a colleague of mine about a client request. We discussed disaster recovery. In the new cloud-based computing architectures, it has become clear that this is one of the many new benefits from moving to the cloud. The following sections in this blog layout a few key elements that support […]

Clouds Trend in 2019: DevOps as an Enabler

The following blog comes from an interview with Perficient’s DevOps Consulting Director, Sean Wilbur, and is part of a series on cloud trends with experts from within Perficient. With cloud adoption soaring, businesses are being forced to find further advancements to stay ahead of the competition. Simply being on the cloud isn’t enough. Businesses need […]

Google Cloud building

Anthos, building your cloud ecosystem

Google Next 2019, where 30,000 tech enthusiasts descend on the streets of San Fran to learn, promote and embrace what Google Cloud has to offer. Google cloud is steadily gaining momentum in cloud space and is now the third largest cloud services provider in the world. Google’s engineering team understands the complexities of a rigid […]

Getting Started with Chef Habitat on Windows

Overview This is the second post in our series on Chef Habitat. For an introduction to Habitat, please refer to our initial post. In this write up, we will be looking closely at Habitat in a Windows context. There are a few differences between Habitat on Windows versus Linux or Mac which we will point out. […]

Chef Habitat – The Key to Self-Driving Applications

One of the newest and most compelling technologies from Chef Software is a project known as Habitat. Much of the early messaging and use cases around Habitat have left some with the impression that it’s simply another way to build application containers. Habitat is in fact much more and could be quite disruptive in terms of how […]

Risks never sleep – Be a Risk Keeper

Nothing is too low for a bear A bear doesn’t probably love to chase and hunt their prey. They are fond of any sorts of flesh and easily pick you when you are asleep. Bears can be predators even though they don’t have many enemies. Although most do not, under normal circumstances, hunt and feed […] Resizeimage 25

Rethinking the Role of the Quality Assurance (QA) Team

I had the opportunity in my career to create a quality assurance (QA) team from scratch for a small software development company. Prior to this, developers and project managers would do all the testing. After petitioning for quite some time that this was not the best approach to ensuring quality, I was finally given the […]

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