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Integration & IT Modernization

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Managing Workloads with Infrastructure Nodes

One of the many benefits of using Red Hat OpenShift to manage your container workloads is the flexibility it provides to distribute and/or isolate workloads. There are many scenarios around this, but one that I like to regularly use when deploying a cluster is creating dedicated infrastructure nodes, and then moving the router function onto […]

data tables on computer

Multi-Year Multi-Period Data Load

Sometimes we need to load multiple years and periods of data planning or Essbase, like a business plan or forecast data. Data Management/FDMEE provides the different options for loading multiple years and periods data from the file, depending on the different file formats. If data is in a single column and both Year and Period […]

Coveo for Salesforce Customer Agents

Integrate Twilio Flex with ServiceNow to Elevate Your Customer Service Experience

Recovery and emerging trends  As organizations begin to think about the recovery phase from the COVID era, businesses that were digitally enabled and able to innovate fared better. Companies that were previously resistant to change were suddenly faced with the choice to accelerate digital innovation or risk their survival. At Twilio’s annual conference Signal 2020, […]

Perficient Listed in Forrester Azure Services Providers Q4 Report

We are excited to be listed by Forrester in its recent report, Now Tech: Azure Services Providers, Q4 2020 — Forrester’s Overview of 41 Azure Services Providers. As the report notes, “Many enterprises continue to struggle with starting and continuing their journeys to the cloud.” The report also notes that service providers can help clients […]

Introducing New Ways to Quick-start Your PIM Platform

Product Information Management (PIM) and commerce go hand-in-hand, and inRiver is the common factor that helps simplify product information for both B2B and B2C shopping channels. Not only has our partnership with inRiver brought us several platform integrations, years of strategic guidance, and a multitude of services, but it has also enabled us to create […]

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams and Power BI – Analytics Hub and Content Management

Hub is a logical/physical space where everyone comes searches content, deciphers information, looks for viable information, lineage etc. Microsoft is enabling a similar concept in Teams. Teams is where we all have begun to collaborate via virtual meetings, notes, lists, apps etc. The future vision and big picture is to treat Teams as a single […]

How Perficient and Microsoft Can Help You Return to Work

To say the world has changed this year would be an understatement. In every part of life, we have had to learn and adapt, and business is no different. The truth is that your business will never be the same. The world today is digital first more than ever, and your business must adapt to […]

Open UI

An Inside Look at Managed Clusters

Spend a few minutes with one of our Red Hat technical experts, Matthieu Rethers, as he discusses the advantages and disadvantages of managed clusters, as well as differences between them on various cloud platforms, when you should use them, alternatives to managed clusters, and how Red Hat OpenShift fits into the picture. When should developers […]

Businesswoman Checking E Mail Online On Laptop

[Webinar Recording] Building and Deploying Apps on OpenShift on AWS

Recently, IDC Research Director Gary Chen and Perficient’s Victor Wolters, Enterprise Strategist, presented a webinar that discussed application modernization, containers, and the value of Red Hat OpenShift on AWS. They say that regardless of where you are in your digital transformation, it’s never too late to think about application modernization. Whether you’re looking to modernize […]

Data Business Computer People

Build Employee Face Detection Service with Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services in 3 Steps

What is Face Detection: Face Detection uses biometrics to map our facial features from a live visual or photograph. Microsoft Azure has introduced an enterprise business solution that even a developer with zero knowledge in AI can implement it. Microsoft Face API is a generic solution which can be used for many images recognitions purpose. […]

2020 09 10 14 12 30 Teams Social Slides Powerpoint

Microsoft Teams Updates (Ignite 2020 Edition)

Microsoft just wrapped up its first-ever digital Ignite, and there were a plethora of announcements around Microsoft Teams! With over 40 sessions and 48 hours of continuous learning for Microsoft Teams, there was definitely a lot of content to consume in a short amount of time! That’s where I come in! In today’s blog, we’ll […]

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Interoperability Options for Healthcare Payers: Meeting the CMS Final Rule (and Beyond)

The CMS Final Rule sparked some interesting conversations and problem-solving among the interoperability team at Perficient. It’s one of the first times payer or health insurers had to react to these types of rules. The way they treat the data and the location of all the data makes this a different ball game than what […]

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