Recently, Perficient and Red Hat presented a great discussion surrounding middleware and the importance of modernization. The discussion was led by Perficient’s Red Hat Practice Director Charles Mahoney, and three experts from Red Hat: Chief Architect and Strategist, E.G. Nadhan; Director of Business Development and Hybrid Cloud, Jason Milliron; and Senior Manager of Application Development […]
Integration & IT Modernization
10 Recent Analyst Reports Recognize Perficient’s Capabilities
Throughout this past year, leading industry analyst firms have included Perficient in reports spanning a variety of topics and technologies. We believe these reports showcase how Perficient comes to the table with innovative and strategic thinking around the most timely topics. Following are some of the most recent reports where Perficient healthcare has been recognized: […]
Declutter (Content) Before You Move
Earlier this year, my wife and I moved into a new home here in Charlotte. Before we moved, we made a concerted effort to spend time cleaning out and decluttering things that we had accumulated over the years but no longer wanted or needed to keep. Having moved several times as an adult, I can’t […]
Associate a hub site to another hub site in SharePoint Online
Last month, Microsoft launched a new feature: associate a hub site to another hub site. This functionality will add the ability to associate a SharePoint hub site to another hub site to expand search results across multiple hubs in your organization. This will enable users to discover relevant content when searching on any sites related […]
Divorcing Virtual Paper
I wanted to expand a little on one of the core themes of a perspective I just published, Demise of the Document, the idea of Virtual Paper. It’s a concept that haunts me even as I’m drafting this post using Microsoft Word… A colleague did point out to me the irony of a think-piece titled […]
Tax Automation Process Tax Links for Avalara
Are you confident your business is sales tax compliant? After the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the state in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., it’s not uncommon for tax compliance to come into question. Our partner, Avalara, provides a cloud-based application that includes functionality to accurately calculate various types of […]
Modernizing Your Middleware with Red Hat
This is the fifth and final installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here, the second installment here, the third installment here, and the fourth installment here. Now that you’ve learned all about middleware and the most common use cases, it’s time to choose a technology partner and software to […]
Five Common Use Cases for Middleware in Modern Development
This is the fourth installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here, the second installment here, and the third installment here. In previous posts, we’ve explored what middleware is, what it does, and how you can use it in your modernization efforts. You’ve learned the basics and now you’re ready […]
The Benefits and Tools of Middleware Modernization
This is the third installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here and the second installment here. Organizations often lack the time and resources needed to effectively modernize legacy systems and applications. Middleware helps ease the challenges associated with modernization and provides the flexibility to upgrade applications. Benefits of Middleware […]
Salesforce + MuleSoft: How to Leverage These Solutions in the Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing industry was evolving even before 2020, but the global pandemic added a new urgency to manufacturers’ needs to digitally transform. Today, organizations in manufacturing must meet new, more pressing demands of connectivity, technology, and agility. In this article, we’ll look closely at how Salesforce, MuleSoft, and Perficient offer manufacturers the technical and organizational […]
Starting Your Middleware Modernization Journey
The following is the second installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here. If your applications no longer meet business requirements, it may be time to modernize. Legacy middleware platforms weren’t built to address the needs of modern, hybrid IT environments, but modernized middleware can support application environments that work […]
Tools Used in Robotics Process Automation (RPA)
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate human actions interacting with digital systems and software. Just like people, software robots can do things like understanding what’s on a screen, complete the right keystrokes, navigate systems, identify and extract data, and perform […]