Salutations! So you seek to assemble the science of scribing scribans in SXA? Look no further, for here in this four-part guide I will detail the amazing power and control that scribans in SXA offer. The Four-Part Guide • Part 1 – What are scribans, cloning the promo, adding a scriban • Part 2 – […]
Front-End Development
Designing for Accessibility in Every Language
Creating inclusive and multilingual websites is complex but not without its benefits, especially to multilingual web users with disabilities. In Megan Jensen’s ‘kick off post’ on cultural inclusion she notes that “Undertaking a global multilingual website can be an intimidating and overwhelming project but it doesn’t have to be.” We’ve outlined specific ways to deliver […]
Scribing Scribans in SXA
Salutations! So you seek to assemble the science of scribing scribans in SXA? Look no further, for here in this four-part guide I will detail the amazing power and control that scribans in SXA offer. The Four-Part Guide • Part 1 – What are scribans, cloning the promo, adding a scriban • Part 2 – […]
Basic Understanding of Full Load And Incremental Load In ETL (PART 1)
Full Load: Full Load in ETL is loading ALL the data from the source to the destination. A target table is truncated before loading everything from the source. That’s why this technique is also known as Destructive Load. In full load first we truncate the destination table and then we load all the data from source […]
Ready, Get Set, Go! on AEM…
AEM has a vast infrastructure, and it requires time to hold expertise on it. Every expert was once a beginner, so you are never too late to start and have fun on AEM. In this blog, we will focus on the developers’ perspective of AEM and how one can start as an AEM developer. We […]
Remote validation in ASP.NET MVC without using jQuery
In this blog, we will implement remote validation by making an ajax call to the server without using jQuery; we will achieve this using vanilla JavaScript. What is the purpose of remote validation? Here’s an explanation: Often, user inputs must be checked against a database to see if it already exists. We need to validate […]
Digital Accessibility – Using a Screen Reader
I have heard many people say, “I’ll just download a screen reader and test that bug”. Using a screen reader takes time and practice to use in a similar way that a user with a disability would use the tool. It’s important to know the keyboard shortcuts as well as understanding how to use them […]
SXA Styles and Variants
This is an overview on Sitecore’s SXA Styles and Variants. This is Sitecore’s way of styling components. SXA comes preloaded with out-of-the-box components that include Variants and Styles. You’ll probably need to customize some of these existing SXA assets, and add some of your own. *NOTE: Going forward, when I mention “styles” I’ll be referring […]
Three Options for Automated Lighthouse Testing
Benefits of Automation If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of the importance of front-end page performance to the end-user experience. You might even be working on improving the performance of your pages and using Lighthouse to track your progress. While it is quite easy to run tests via the Lighthouse tab under Chrome’s […]
Mobile-First Email Design
These days more and more people are turning toward mobile phones for their internet consumption. In fact, as of the last quarter of 2021, about 54% of all global web traffic comes from mobile devices and it is only going to go up from there. Because of this upward trend in mobile internet usage more […]
Create a React app that shows PowerBI data using REST
Intro Many times a client wants some sort of customized view of the data they have in PowerBI. The truth is, as powerful as it is PowerBI, like all BI tools, offer limited customizability. However, PowerBI comes with a powerful RESTful interface that we can use to show the underlying data however we wish. This […]
Why is Web Accessibility Important?
Whether you build websites or pay someone else to do it, web accessibility is a recommended best practice that is often overlooked. Did you know that according to the Colour Blind Awareness Organization, as many as 1 in 200 women and 1 in 12 men are color blind? Or, that according to the CDC, 1 […]