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Group of web developers working in an office.

Feature of Snowflake: Zero Copy Cloning

                                                                      Feature of Snowflake: Zero-Copy Cloning Zero Copy Cloning in Snowflake: Snowflakes have some advanced feature like Time Travel, zero-copy cloning […]

Investors Are Trading Stocks. In The Electronic Market Through Computer By The Internet Via Mobile Phone.

Data Analysis : Diagnosis & Prescription

Diagnosis & Prescription are the terms often used in medical context. However today I want to walk you through how these terms are related to Data Analysis. There are mainly 4 types of Data Analysis: Focus of this blog is on Diagnostic & Prescriptive data analysis. Diagnostic Data Analysis: Diagnosis means identification of nature of […]

Traditional Software Engineering, Cmmi And Its Problems


Have you ever wondered if it would ever be possible to time travel like in the old movies with a time machine? If we could go back in time and see the world, would we? If you asked me, I would have said yes! But not in the way that Hollywood portrays science fiction films. […]


An Introduction to Data Virtualization

End users of large data banks must be protected from knowing how the data is organized in the machine – the internal representation. Generally, most application programs should remain unaffected when the internal representation of data is changed or even when some aspects of the external model are changed. The guiding principle of Data Virtualization […]

Group of web developers working in an office.


In this blog, we will see what the basic test scenarios for ETL testing are. However, before we go to the ETL test scenarios, let me first tell you what ETL is and how it works, along with the process involved with it. WHAT IS ETL? ETL stands for Extract-Transform-Load, and it is a process […]

tiethnic colleagues sitting at desk looking at laptop computer in office. stock photo

How to Convert Blank Values to Null in Flat File Source in SSIS Package

SQL Server Integration Services(SSIS): SQL Server Integration Services is a component of the Microsoft SQL Server database software that can be used to perform a broad range of data migration tasks. SSIS is a platform for data integration and workflow applications. It features a data warehousing tool used for data extraction, transformation, and loading. In […]

Image of laptop computer with Google Analytics open. It sits on a white table.

Introduction to Google Analytics – A Guide for Beginners

A guide towards an entry to Google Analytics with Naeem Sheikh. What is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that will help in tracking website traffic and generate an easy understandable report to analyze the performance of your website. It is basically divided into five major report i.e. Realtime […]

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Adobe Customer Journey Analytics – Things You Must Know

What is Adobe Customer Journey Analytics? Adobe Customer Journey Analytics is an analytics ability that allows you to utilize the power of analysis workspace with data from Adobe experience platform. Adobe Customer Journey Analytics (CJA) is the new and upgraded successor of Adobe analytics. CJA can separate, filter, query, and visualize years’ worth of data, […]

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Power BI: Merge and Append Queries

Introduction:  Power BI’s merging and appending operations allow you to join data from multiple tables.  The choice between the merge and append queries depends upon the type of concatenation you want to carry out based on your requirement. When you have one or more columns that you’d like to add to another query, then you […]

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‘’Data Analytics is not Excel Data Analytics is not SQL Data Analytics is not Tableau Data Analytics is not Python or R Data analytics is not about tools, rather, it is about your ability to spot patterns in data and transform raw data into actionable insights. The tool are vehicles, they aren’t destinations.’’   DATA […]

Pass Microsoft Certified Power BI Data Analyst Exam | PL-300

I will be sharing my personal experience with learning Power BI and clearing the PL-300 (Earlier called DA-100) exam. I hope this will help the other aspirants. I would not be compromising the signed NDA; hence no questions will be disclosed in this article. About the Exam : PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst Analyzing […]

Focus And Dedication Got Her Far

How to Create and Use Paginated Reports in Power BI

Paginated Reports are the same as SSRS, which have come to Power BI with advanced features for better reports. Paginated Reports are well designed & formatted reports which are perfectly sized so we can print and share the reports effectively. We can also load images and charts on these reports. We can create highly formatted […]

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