FHIR! FHIR! FHIR! FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) Specification is a standard published by HL7 for exchanging healthcare information electronically. And it’s a hot topic for payers and providers. As patients and members move around the healthcare ecosystem, their electronic health records must be available, discoverable, and understandable. Simply put, consumers expect this experience. Further, […]
Regulatory Compliance
Deliver Fully Integrated Experiences in Healthcare
CMS interoperability rules generated quite the commotion in healthcare this past year. But when you think about it, these mandates are pushing us closer toward the consumer-centric goals that healthcare organizations already aim to prioritize. Interoperability Mandates Mirror Business Needs Rules and Regulations. Regulations like the CMS Final Rule mandate that health care organizations make […]
How to control sensitive data on unmanaged devices with MCAS (Part 2 of 2)
Welcome back! Last time we talked about controlling file downloads of sensitive content by using a session policy in MCAS. This time we’ll take things a step further and show you how to restrict specific activities like cut/copy, paste, and printing! If you are joining us for the first time, I encourage you to check […]
How to control sensitive data on unmanaged devices with MCAS (Part 1 of 2)
In this day and age, protecting your organization’s sensitive data has started to become exceedingly difficult. Where remote work has become the new norm, you will likely see many end-users using their own unmanaged devices to access corporate information. With this comes the risk of unmanaged devices sending/sharing sensitive information without the ability to control […]
Cycle Counts: How to inspire and make it work for growing businesses
Cycle Counting is an organized division of a warehouse into manageable chunks. Regular counts are required for each “chunk.” These “chunks” can be a range of items and/or warehouse locations. To inspire an optimal use of Cycle Counts, you must employ several strategies. We will explore opportunistic and scheduled counts. We will also go into […]
Federal Reserve Releases 2021 CCAR Testing Scenarios
Last Friday, February 12, while many bankers were preparing for a long 3-day weekend or perhaps making preparations for Valentine’s Day celebrations, the Federal Reserve Board released the hypothetical scenarios for its 2021 bank stress tests. In 2020, the Federal Reserve found that large banks were generally well-capitalized under a range of hypothetical events. The […]
Six Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Family on Data Privacy Day
This article was co-written by Iman Watson, senior solutions architect, and Kailey Hughes, lead development representative. As we mostly are working remotely these days, securing your space when you’re not in the safeguards of the office walls are critical. Perficient places a high value on data security and has several processes and tools in place […]
New EU Ruling on Data Transfer Has Privacy Implications
The verge reports on a new ruling from the EU that will change how or even if personal data from Europe can enter the United States. As we know, there are very specific rules set forth in GDPR on how data is handled and what can and cannot be shared. In addition, GDPR mandates security […]
Preparing Your Company for the Next Crisis
While the world grapples with COVID-19, a novel coronavirus, many organizations are heads-down franticly trying to pivot and adjust on the fly, in order to continue operating in the dramatically shifting landscape. Information, and in some cases, misinformation is piling up. Markets are volatile. Your upstream suppliers are shutting down or reducing output. Your employees […]
5 Tips for Transparency in Claims Processing Using Data Governance
What are the business rules that companies are using for claims processing? This is a common question when it comes to performing analysis on claims data and is becoming increasingly important with regulations on billing transparency on the way. The logic used for claims processing is typically embedded in code and is not transparent to […]
DevSecOps and Release – Security Architect
In my previous post, DevSecOps and Release Coordination, I introduced the idea of four key players in the DevSecOps mediated release management process. The idea is to consolidate the validation and approval steps from a “gated” process, and shift the actual work of validation earlier in development. In this post, we will explore the role […]
DevSecOps in the Cloud – Policy and Practice
Cloud computing is now ubiquitous throughout the software development industry. There are many cloud service providers offering everything from ‘bare-metal’ virtual servers to complete server-less computing platforms. The speed by which computing resources can be reserved and instantiated is a major contributing factor to the success of DevOps, where repeatability and automation is central. However, […]