Microsoft Teams is the modern hub for Teamwork. It’s the place to chat with your team, connect to meetings, and gather notes; it helps manage and provide a single interface for your tasks and projects and work teams. The best part is the extensibility and focus of bringing enterprise line of business systems together as […]
Joel Oleson – Director Microsoft National Practice
Joel Oleson is recognized as one of the world’s most connected Microsoft Community leaders. He is well traveled speaking and visiting communities in over 100 countries. He has been awarded Microsoft's highest recognition as Office Apps & Services MVP, Microsoft Regional Director awards, and multiple "Ship It" awards for Office and SharePoint from his time at Microsoft. Joel was the first dedicated SharePoint Admin and Architect for SharePoint Online. Joel is Director at Perficient in the Microsoft National Practice. Visit his technical blog at and travel blog at
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Blogs from this Author
Insights from Microsoft Ignite 2020 on the Future of Microsoft SharePoint #MSIgnite
I think a lot of folks have been wondering about the future of SharePoint. Is it going away? No. That’s clear to me. I participated in a couple of different research groups focused on understanding News and “Modern” Intranet Portals. It seemed that Jeff Teper doubled down on SPFx and Fluid for Teams and SharePoint. […]
Top 10 Announcements from Microsoft Ignite Day 1 #MSignite
While Microsoft had some out of this world updates including the Underwater Datacenter project data released. The project was a success with only 1/8th the issues of the equivalent land based datacenter. Many reasons why this project will continue from a sustainability and reliability perspective. The outerspace update took the events to even further […]
5 Ways to Improve Your Microsoft Teams Meetings
With 75 million actively daily users now leveraging Microsoft Teams for remote work, virtual learning and so much more, it’s time to ask if you’re getting the most out of Teams functionality. Here are five ways you can leverage existing Teams technology to improve your Teams Meetings experience: 1. Meeting Agenda The best meetings are […]
Teams Governance and Automation – Take A Teams First Approach
Teams governance can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing or new to Teams. I recently spoke at a webinar with Chris Barber in a webinar titled “Teams Governance & Automation.” We discussed the Teams platform and the teams application platform. Teams has arrived at a time where users are ready for a […]
SharePoint Workflow End of Life in 2020: Migrate Your Workflows to Power Automate
If you’re reading this you’ve likely heard the news that both SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 workflows days are limited. In fact, just next month you’ll no longer be able to create your SharePoint Designer based workflows in a new tenant. Chris McNulty, Sr Technical Product Manager from Microsoft provided the detail in an article […]
Microsoft 365 Virtual Marathon is Community Togetherness, Big-Tent Diversity, and Inclusion
In March, I was meeting with a group working on a conference that was designed to be a Microsoft MTC led event for Modern Workplace. We had a great team and some awesome speakers. Michael Gannotti and I kicked off the keynote with special callouts to Microsoft Teams usage on the front lines with virtual […]
Skype to Teams Migration and Coexistence – Make a Plan or Plan to Fail in Islands Mode!
“Skype for Business Islands mode sucks!” is what I was thinking of titling this post, but I wasn’t sure how well that would sit on the Perficient blog. Admiral Ackbar is right, “It’s a TRAP!” Skype for Business to Teams Migration Overview The migration from Skype for Business to Microsoft Teams is unlike any […]
Preparing for Project Cortex and the Future of Knowledge Management
What if you had a Wikipedia of all of the topics that are being discussed at work? How would that change your productivity? Imagine a place that had an explanation for the acronyms, pages with information about the projects and processes at work linked to the experts, files, meetings. Imagine a way to navigate who […]
Why Project Cortex Changes Everything and Why You Should Care
Microsoft announced Project Cortex at Microsoft Ignite in Orlando earlier this month. While there were literally hundreds of announcements, the biggest announcement was Project Cortex. What is it? Project Cortex will create and update new topic pages and knowledge centers that are meant to act like wikis. Topic cards will be available to users in […]
The Teams Team is Listening…Your Requests Were Demoed at MSIgnite
You may not have realized it, but the Teams team at Microsoft has been working furiously to deliver some of the most highly requested features. Some upcoming features were announced at MSIgnite, and these are game changers. Microsoft Teams Chat Pop Outs Now you can chat with multiple different people while you are still working […]