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Posts Tagged ‘Red Hat OpenShift’

Hub-and-spoke Architecture

Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Management – Part 2

Introduction In Part I of our multi-cluster management series, we’ve introduced GitOps and gone over some of the reasons why you should adopt GitOps for the management of Kubernetes clusters. GitOps is always the #1 thing we set up when starting an engagement and we’ve spent a lot of time perfecting our best practices. Today […]


Kubernetes Multi-cluster Management – Part 1

Introduction With more and more organizations adopting Kubernetes across multiple teams, the need for IT to provide a way for these teams to quickly provision and configure clusters is increasing fast. This is not only true in cloud environments but also at the edge, and from a practical standpoint, adding more clusters can become exponentially […]

Medicine Doctor Touching Electronic Medical Record On Tablet. Dna. Digital Healthcare And Network Connection On Hologram Modern Virtual Screen Interface, Medical Technology And Futuristic Concept.

Bolster Healthcare IT Modernization with Red Hat and Perficient

Meeting the ever-increasing IT demands of the healthcare industry is critical for organizations to keep up and stand out from their competitors. According to Forrester, “The stakes are as high as ever in healthcare, as the decisions made through the end of the decade will determine an organization’s success for the next 50 years. Being […]

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Modernizing Your Middleware with Red Hat

This is the fifth and final installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here, the second installment here, the third installment here, and the fourth installment here. Now that you’ve learned all about middleware and the most common use cases, it’s time to choose a technology partner and software to […]

African American Man At Desktop Computer In Office

Five Common Use Cases for Middleware in Modern Development

This is the fourth installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here, the second installment here, and the third installment here. In previous posts, we’ve explored what middleware is, what it does, and how you can use it in your modernization efforts. You’ve learned the basics and now you’re ready […]

Cyberattacks in Financial Services - keyboard

The Benefits and Tools of Middleware Modernization

This is the third installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here and the second installment here. Organizations often lack the time and resources needed to effectively modernize legacy systems and applications. Middleware helps ease the challenges associated with modernization and provides the flexibility to upgrade applications. Benefits of Middleware […]

Abstract Polygonal Space

Starting Your Middleware Modernization Journey

The following is the second installment in our middleware modernization series. You can read the first installment here. If your applications no longer meet business requirements, it may be time to modernize. Legacy middleware platforms weren’t built to address the needs of modern, hybrid IT environments, but modernized middleware can support application environments that work […]

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[Webinar] Ease Cloud Migration with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

As one of nine launch partners for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), Perficient has developed a Kubernetes-based accelerator to take your applications to production on OpenShift in just a few hours. ROSA is a fully managed and jointly supported offering that combines the power of OpenShift and the AWS public cloud. On Sept. […]

Cyberattacks in Financial Services - keyboard

Easing Security Compliance with the OpenShift Compliance Operator: Part 3

In the first part of this series, I discussed the power of Red Hat’s Compliance Operator for securing your OpenShift 4.x clusters. I gave a quick overview of the installation and then walked through how to initiate compliance scans and review the high-level results. I also showed the power of the Compliance Operator by applying […]

Data Center Interior

Easing Security Compliance with the OpenShift Compliance Operator: Part 2

In the first part of this series, I discussed the power of Red Hat’s Compliance Operator for securing your OpenShift 4.x clusters. I gave a quick overview of the installation and then walked through how to initiate compliance scans and review the high-level results. I also showed the power of the Compliance Operator by applying […]

Easing Security Compliance with the OpenShift Compliance Operator: Part 1

This is the first part of a series about the OpenShift Compliance Operator, focusing on installing the operator and running a scan. Operators are a strong piece of Red Hat’s OpenShift platform, easing the operational complexity of what might otherwise be difficult pieces of the platform. Red Hat’s Compliance Operator provides some relief to the […]

We'll Crack Through This Code Tonight

Introducing Our Container-Native Modernization Suite for ROSA

As a launch partner for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), we’ve developed a DevOps-in-a-box reference architecture and Kubernetes-based implementation for rapid application modernization. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates many of the manual processes involved in deploying, managing, and scaling containerized applications. This means you can cluster together groups of […]

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