What is RLS? RLS is Row Level security means restriction of data accessing for a particular user. Filters restrict the data at a row level. We can configure RLS for a dataset that we have imported into the Power BI desktop and can configure RLS in Power BI Service by defining the roles in the […]
Posts Tagged ‘Power BI’
How to Create and Use Paginated Reports in Power BI
Paginated Reports are the same as SSRS, which have come to Power BI with advanced features for better reports. Paginated Reports are well designed & formatted reports which are perfectly sized so we can print and share the reports effectively. We can also load images and charts on these reports. We can create highly formatted […]
Drill Down Feature in Power BI
What is Drill Down in Power BI? In Power BI, Drill Down is nothing but the next level of hierarchical insights of the data. For example, when you want to see a year-wise sales summary, you may want to look into the “Monthly” summary, “Quarterly Summary,” and day-wise summary. So, this is where the drill-down […]
Power BI: Import vs Direct Query
Background Core of any BI tools is to acquire business data from multiple sources and then to co-relate it for quality reports & dashboards. Information Technology is being dominantly used for business processes from last 20 years. Volume of data has grown a lot. Businesses have shifted to enterprise database platforms like SQL Server, Oracle, […]
Analytics with Incorta using 3rd Party Tools
Incorta provides a comprehensive platform for data Acquisition, Data Enrichment, and Data Visualization. It can be a one-stop for all your data needs, but it can also be combined with other BI Visualization tools to enhance the experience even further. Incorta provides a Postgres connection to connect other 3rd party Visualization tools like Power BI, […]
Creating & Invoking Custom Function in Power Query
Microsoft’s Power BI is a data and analytics reporting tool that lets you connect to multiple data sources. Once connected to a data source, raw data sets can be converted to dashboards and presented to the team, customer, anyone at any time. In this blog, we will get introduced to the custom function feature available […]
Dynamic Filtering Using Parameters in Power BI
Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses, and we’re generating more of it than ever. For making well-informed business decisions, it is crucial to fetch relevant information from the data and present it in a lucid manner. Microsoft’s Power BI suite is designed to quickly turn your data into useful information. Microsoft Power BI is […]
Hide and Show Slicer Pane in Microsoft Power BI Desktop Application.
Power BI Desktop is a free Analytics and Business Intelligence application you install on your local computer that lets you connect to, transform, and visualize your data. With Power BI Desktop, you can connect to multiple different sources of data. Power BI transforms your Data into appealing and insightful visuals. Firstly You can absorb in […]
Comparative Analysis of BI Reporting Tools
Business intelligence (BI) reporting tools help an organization gather, consolidate, and derive value from its raw data. These tools allow users to analyze their data in-depth, improving decision-making at every level in the organization. Various BI reporting tools are about 80-85% similar in terms of functionalities and features. Different BI tools cater to different user […]
How to Get Started With a Power Platform COE
The following is the fifth and final in a series of blogs about how a center of excellence can help you unlock the potential of your people and Power Platform. Throughout this series, we have explained how Power Platform enables your makers and why and how a COE enables these makers. Now all you need […]
How A Power Platform COE Can Help Your Makers and Your Business
The following is the third in a series of blogs about how a center of excellence can help you unlock the potential of your people and Power Platform. So far in this series, we’ve looked at the maker movement and why Power Platform can enable the makers in your company to make a real difference […]
Making Meaningful Data Reports with Microsoft Power BI
Create Power BI reports to effectively translate your business data Microsoft’s Power BI is a versatile platform that allows users to connect to and transform data to make meaningful and interactive visualizations. With a familiar and intuitive interface, Power BI Desktop makes connecting to a data source and creating useful reports easy. Upon completion of your report, you can publish it from within Power […]